Food tests -Biology

Cards (9)

  • which food test uses Benedict’s solution?
    The Benedict’s test which tests for carbohydrates.
  • Which food test uses iodine?
    the starch test.
  • What is added to the food sample to detect lipids or fats?
  • What is used to detect proteins?
    biurets solution
  • What does the positive result of a Benedict’s test look like?
    blue to orange
  • What does the positive result for a starch test look like?
    orange To blue/black
  • What does a positive result for a lipids/fats test look like?
    colourless to cloudy white
  • What does a positive result for a protein test look like?
    light blue to purple
  • How do you prepare a biscuit for a food test?
    1. take a sample of biscuits and grind it up in a pestle and mortar.
    2. transfer biscuits into a small beaker.
    3. Add a small amount of still water and stir well to dissolve chemicals in the food into the water.
    4. prepare the conical flask, a filter funnel and filter paper to filter the biscuit. (To remove solids so it’s easier to identify colour change)
    5. Pour the mixture of biscuits and water into the filter and leave.