Theories of families

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  • George Murdock believes the nuclear family performs four main functions
    • Stable satisfaction of the sex drive
    • Reproduction of the next generation
    • Socialisation of the young
    • Meeting it’s member’s economic needs
  • Warm Bath Theory - Parsons believes that the wife helps To remove stressors her husband experiences, stabilises her personality and encourages him for sex
  • Family types other than the nuclear family are seen as abnormal or deviant as they cannot perform the functions required of the family (Parsons)
  • Primary socialisation is the process of learning the norms and values of society from family and peers
  • Nuclear family helps perform primary socialisation (Parsons)
  • Feminists reject the functionalist view as it doesn’t meet everyone’s needs, only men’s. The theory rejects the “dark side” such as domestic violence and sexual abuse
  • Marxists disagree with the functionalist view and argue that the family meets the needs of capitalism and not society as a whole
  • Others argue that other non nuclear families structures can perform the four main functions proposed by George Murdock equally as well
  • Marxists argue that society is based on an unequal conflict between the capitalist class and the working class
  • Families help socialise children into the idea that the hierarchy and Imequality and unavoidable. Prepares them for a working life to take orders from capitalist employers
  • Zaretsky says that families provide comfort to alienated workers
  • Feminists argue that Marxists do not pay attention to gender inequalities in the family
  • The Marxist view is old fashioned, and ignore other reasons for getting married or forming families
  • The Marxist view is praised for highlighting the importance of economic influences on family life
  • Radical feminists argue that relationships are highly patriarchal, women are sleeping with the enemy and men benefit from women’s unpaid domestic labour and sexual services
  • Feminists believe that family should be abolished through separatism and political lesbianism (extremist view)
  • A criticism for radical feminism is that they fail to realise heterosexual families will not disappear and that women’s position has improved in society
  • Functionalists believe the norms and values of society shape family life. It’s based on marriage and children
  • Marxists believe capitalists shape family life. The ideology of family is based on capitalist views that the nuclear family are the key family
  • Feminists believe that patriarchy shapes family life as the man dominates the household
  • New right believes norms and values of society and the government shape family life
  • Giddens believes that there is more freedom and options in relationships, relationships are based on individual choice
  • A criticism to Giddens is that he believes that we have complete freedom of choice over relationships. In reality, traditional norms still play a part in everyday society
  • Giddens theory can explain the increasing rates of divorce and other relationships breakdowns