Shows Liquidity and if financially stable in the short term (12 months) by working out if it can afford to pay all its short-term liabilities using its current assets. Also how well the biz is able to convert CA into cash.
How TO Calculate Current(Liquidity) Ratio:
Current Assets:Current Liabilities
Strategies to Improve Liquidity:
Sell CA to pay for CL
On time payments for CL
Factoring (Improves Cash/CA) - get payment now (IMPROVES CASH FLOW)
Lease and Sale Back
JIT (minimum inventory)
Gearing Ratio: Represents Solvency of Business; if a business can pay all of its liabilities. Measurement of financial stability. GIves indication to shareholders about risk of investing
How to Calculate Gearing:
Total Liabilities/Total Equity
(Higher = less solvent=worse)
Strategies to Improve Gearing:
Increase Equity (more shareholders)
Increased Retained Profits
Decrease Debt (Early Payments)
Gross Profit Ratio: shows percentage of sales is gross profit.
How to Calculate Gross Profit Ratio:
Gross Profit/Sales x 100
Strategies to Improve Gross Profit:
Increase Markup(Revenue)
Supplier rationalisation to reduce inventory costs
Increase sales levels( through marketing)
Decrease Quality of Inventory (Inventory Costs)
Net Profit Ratio: Shows percentage of sales is net profit
How to Calculate Net Profit:
Net Profit/Sales x 100
Strategies to Improve Net Profit Ratio
Expense Minimisation (Evaluate from IS)
Cheaper Supplies/Expenses
Increase Markup
Return On Owner’s Equity Ratio: Indicates how much return from investment in business.. How effective funds contributed have been generating profit and ROI
How to Calculate Return on Owners Equity Ratio:
Net Profit/Equity x 100
Startegies to Improve Return on Owners Investment:
Increase Net Profit
Expense Ratio: Shows efficiency, or percentage of sales is going to expenses