logical fallacies

Cards (16)

  • Ad Hominem 
    Unfairly attacking a person instead of the issue.
    Attacking the character and/or reputationof a position’s supporters; “Guilt byassociation”
  • Circular Reasoning  
    “Begging the Question"
    The opinion to be proved is given as if it were already proved
  • False Cause (Cause and Effect) “Non Causa Pro Causa”
    Citing a false or remote cause toexplain a situation
  • Post Hoc, Ergo Propter Hoc
    Assuming that because two things happened, the first one caused the second one
  • “Either or" Fallacy
    Discussing an issue as if there are only two alternatives
    This fallacy ignores any otherpossible alternatives
  • Evasion
    Ignoring or evading the questions
  • False Analogy
    Making a comparison between two subjects that have more dissimilarities than similarities
  • Oversimplification
    Making a complicated issue seem very simple by using simple terms or suppressing information
  • Rationalization
    Giving incorrect reasons to justifyyour positi
  • Red Herring
    Presenting an argument unrelated to your subject in order to distract the reader
  • Slippery Slope
    Implying that one small step in the wrong direction will cause catastrophic results
  • Two wrongs make a right
    Defending something done wrong by citing another incident of wrongdoing
  • Hasty Generalization
    An inference drawn frominsufficient evidence
  • The Straw Man
    An argument in which an opponent’s position is represented as being more extreme than it actually is
  • Equivocation
    occurs when a term is used in an argument with more than one meaning, and the meaning of the term shifts during the argument
  • Non Sequitur
    “It does not follow”Argument in which claims, reasons, or warrants fail to connect logically