Affinity - the degree to which two molecules are attracted to each other
What are the benefits of having an oxygen dissociation curve further to the right?
The move to the right lowers the affinity of haemoglobin for oxygen.Oxygenmore readily dissociates at the same partial pressure of oxygen (ppO2) for aerobic respiration.
How does a curve to the left for a llama show that its haemoglobin is well adapted for its environment?
Llama lives at high altitudes where oxygen is scarce.
The curve shows haemoglobin has high affinity for oxygen so can become more saturated with oxygen more easily.
A small change in partial pressure results in a large change in percentage saturation.
The sigmoid (S-shaped) curve is more efficient for a respiratory pigment than a linear relationship because a small change in partial pressure results in a large change in percentage saturation. It is more efficient in unloading oxygen to respiratory tissues with a low partial pressure.
Associate - the loading of oxygen onto the haemoglobin
Dissociate - the unloading of oxygen from the oxyhaemoglobin
Partial pressure of oxygen (ppO2) - the pressureoxygen exerts on a system
Hb - haemoglobin
Affinity - ability for 2molecules to bind
Structure of haemoglobin:
Quaternary protein - 3D globular shape
4 haem groups (prosthetic added at the Golgi body)