Cards (14)

    1. Previewing
    • Before you begin reading the text, preview it by gathering important information about it. (CRITICAL REVIEWING STRATEGIES)
  • 2. Annotating It involves highlighting or making notes of important ideas in the text.
  • Contextualizing You consider the historical, cultural, or biographical context of the text.
  • Outlining and summarizing the text help you identify the main ideas in the text and express them again in your own words.
  • Outlining Helps you understand how the author developed the text through the ideas presented.
  • Summarizing Allows you to present your understanding of the text by reviewing and synthesizing important ideas, then restating them in your own words.
  • Analyzing Deals with examining the information presented to support the author’s argument(s)
  • Re-reading Requires repeated perusal of the text to enable readers to improve their comprehension of the text and to identify ideas that they may not have noticed in initial reading.
  • Responding It means drawing meaning from what you have read and presenting it in writing or talking about it to others.
  • The clone It is the direct copy and paste of someone else’s work without including any of you own writing. (Type of plagiarism)
  • The mash-up Some of the work is originally cited, but other parts are copied from one or more sources without using quotation marks or citation. (Types of plagiarism)
  • Find and Replace Parts of the text are copied from the internet, and certain words and phrases have been changed to make the passages sound different. (Type of plagiarism)
  • The recycler Submitting work you did for one class to a different one, or directly reusing your old work for a new assignment. (Type of plagiarism)
  • The 404 error All copied text is cited, but some citations are inaccurate or leading to non-existent sources. (Type or plagiarism)