TLE exam

Cards (20)

  • Spading Fork- used for loosening the soil, digging out root crops and turning over the materials in compost leap
  • Light hoe- used for loosening the leveling soil and digging out forrows for planting
  • Hand towel- is used for loosening the soil around the growing plants and in putting small amount of manure fertilizer in the soil
  • Hand cultivator- used for cultivating the garden plot by loosening the soil and remaining weeds around the plants
  • Hand Fork- used for inter row cultivation
  • Pruning sheers- for cutting branches of planting materials and unnecessary branches of plants
  • Axe- is for cutting bugger size post
  • Knife- is for cutting planting materials and for performing other operations in agricultural crop production
  • Sprinklers- for watering seedlings and young plants
  • Water pails- used for hauling water, manicure, and fertilizers
  • Sprayers- used for spraying insecticides, foliar fertilizers, fungicides and insecticides
  • Wheel borrow- used for hauling trash, manures, fertilizers, planting materials and other equipment
  • Sickle- is a hand-held agricultural tool
  • Bolo- is used for cutting tall grasses, weeds and chopping branches of trees.
  • Crowbar- is used for digging big holes and
    for digging out big stones and stumps
  • Pick Mattock is used for digging cands breaking hard top soil and for digging up stones and tree stumps.
  • Grab Hoe- is used for breaking hard top soil and pulverizing the soil.
  • Spade - is used for removing trash or soil, digging canals or ditches and mixing
    soil media.
  • Shovel- is used for removing trash, digging loose soil, moving soil from one place to another and for mixing soil media.
  • Rake is used for cleaning the ground
    and leveling the topsoil.