
Cards (10)

  • Usefulness - Medical Model
    • Highly useful due to the effective treatments- Drug Therapy
    • May lack usefulness as it doesn’t consider that there may be a situational cause, very focused on biological abnormalities (reductionist)
  • Scientific - Medical Model
    • The explanations and treatments are based on a biological basis and can be measures and treated in an objective manner, aiming to treat the root natural cause.
    • However, the cause and effect of disorders like depression is still not established
  • Reductionism/Holism - Medical Model
    • Reductionist as it only considers biological and innate causes of mental illnesses
    • However, the monoamine hypothesis for explaining depression is holistic as it considers how a traumatic life event can lead to a change in chemical levels such as serotonin, dopamine and noradrenaline.
  • Determinism/Free will - Medical Model
    • The biomedical explanations explain how mental illness is pre-determined by a root biological abnormality, therefore our behaviour is somewhat out of our control.
    • However, we can exercise our free will in order to engage with biological treatments to try and address the innate cause of our behaviour
  • Nature/Nurture - Medical Model
    • This explanation focuses on innate, natural causes of mental illness
    • The monoamine hypothesis considers how stressful life events can play a part
  • Individual/Situational - Medical Model
    • Mostly individual differences e.g. chemical imbalances and genetic uniqueness,
    • However, the monoamine focuses on how our situation can perpetuate the chemical imbalance we experience in people with depression.
  • Ethics - Medical Model
    • The treatment of schizophrenia causes harmful and emotionally damaging side effects, such as stiffness, memory loss and slurred speech.
    • However, consent has to be gained from doctors before any treatment can be administered.
  • Socially Sensitive - Medical Model
    • There may be stigma and labelling caused by claiming that people have an innate disposition to certain mental illnesses.
    • However, this also raises awareness of the genetic and chemical root causes of certain disorders.
    • Also, the treatments such as ECT are very controversial due to the side effects. People also may be embarrassed for being on anti-psychotic drugs
  • Validity - Medical Model
    • There is a lack of generalisability in Gottesman’s research due to the fact that all of the sample was Danish and from a western country, therefore the study lacked population validity
    • Low internal validity as Gottesman cannot be sure that each participant was diagnosed correctly so is not truly measuring genetic concordance.
  • Reliability - Medical Model
    • All of the biological treatments are conducted in a standardised and consistent manner with every schizophrenia patient
    • Gottesman used a standardised measure of his participants in order to check for consistency of concordance rates between the 4 groups