To determine the primary seat of fatigue in an intact body
To investigate the effect of acetylcholine as the sylactse
Differentiate between the synapse and the myoneural junction
Materials and equipment needed:
Single pitch a frog and expose both sciatic nerves and gastrocnemius muscles
Stimulate the left sciatic nerverepeatedly until the right gastrocnemius muscleceases to contract
Transfer the electrodes to the right sciatic nerve and stimulate it with the sameintensity of stimulus
In the study of fatigue in an intact body, it is important to consider the components of a reflex arc:
Efferent nerve fiber
Synapses located in a central integrating station
Efferent nerve fiber
Effector organ
Corresponding structures involved in the experiment:
Receptor: PROPRIOCEPTORS located in the muscle
Afferent and efferent nerve fibers: sciaticnerve
Synapses: located in the spinalcord
Effector organ: muscle
Definition of synapses:
Functional connection between the axon of a presynapticcell and the dendrite of anothernerve cell
Involves a complexprocess allowing grading and modulation of neural activity
When left sciatic nerve is stimulatedrepeatedly, both gastrocnemius muscles contract bilaterally due to connections on both sides at the CNS
Stimulation of right sciatic nerve also results in contraction of both muscles
Primaryseatoffatigue in an intactbody is concluded to be the synapse, as stimulation of both sciatic nerves evoked responses on both gastrocnemiusmuscles