Cards (9)

  • Primary objectives of the experiment:
    • To determine the primary seat of fatigue in an intact body
    • To investigate the effect of acetylcholine as the sylactse
  • Differentiate between the synapse and the myoneural junction
  • Materials and equipment needed:
    • Stimulating apparatus
    • Dissecting set
    • Frog
  • Procedure:
    • Single pitch a frog and expose both sciatic nerves and gastrocnemius muscles
    • Stimulate the left sciatic nerve repeatedly until the right gastrocnemius muscle ceases to contract
    • Transfer the electrodes to the right sciatic nerve and stimulate it with the same intensity of stimulus
  • In the study of fatigue in an intact body, it is important to consider the components of a reflex arc:
    • Receptor
    • Efferent nerve fiber
    • Synapses located in a central integrating station
    • Efferent nerve fiber
    • Effector organ
  • Corresponding structures involved in the experiment:
    • Receptor: PROPRIOCEPTORS located in the muscle
    • Afferent and efferent nerve fibers: sciatic nerve
    • Synapses: located in the spinal cord
    • Effector organ: muscle
  • Definition of synapses:
    • Functional connection between the axon of a presynaptic cell and the dendrite of another nerve cell
    • Involves a complex process allowing grading and modulation of neural activity
  • When left sciatic nerve is stimulated repeatedly, both gastrocnemius muscles contract bilaterally due to connections on both sides at the CNS
    • Stimulation of right sciatic nerve also results in contraction of both muscles
  • Primary seat of fatigue in an intact body is concluded to be the synapse, as stimulation of both sciatic nerves evoked responses on both gastrocnemius muscles