Behaviourist Approach

Cards (10)

  • Assumptions:
    Interested in studying observable and measurable behaviours. It doesn't investigate the mental processes of the mind, as they are seen as irrelevant. Behaviourists like Watson rejected introspection, seeing it as having too many concepts that are vague and difficult to measure. Instead, Behaviourists rely on lab studies to maintain more control and objectivity.
  • Assumptions: Learning
    They believe that all behaviour is learned, describing a baby's mind as a 'blank state' which is written through experience. Following Darwin, they argue that the basic processes which govern learning are the same in all species; hence they see animals as being able to replace humans as experimental subjects. They identify 2 forms of learning: classical and operant conditioning.
  • Classical Conditioning: Pavlov
    Learning through association; demonstrated by Pavlov who demonstrated that dogs could be conditioned to salivate at the sound of a bell (neutral stimulus) if it was repeatedly presented at the same time as them being given food (unconditioned stimulus). Due to this, dogs learned to associate the bell (the now conditioned stimulus) with the food, and would salivate when they heard the sound (making this a conditioned response, it has been learned).
  • Operant Conditioning- Skinner
    Skinner suggested that learning is an active process, where humans and animals operate on their environment. Operant conditioning refers to behaviours being shaped by their consequences: positive reinforcement- receiving a reward when a certain behaviour is performed; negative reinforcement- avoiding something unpleasant then produces a positive experience; and punishment- an unpleasant consequence of behaviour. (+) and (-) reinforcement increases the likelihood of the behaviour being repeated.
  • Operant Conditioning- Skinner's Box
    Conducted an experiment using rats and pigeons in specifically designed cages. A- Each time the rat activated the lever (or pigeon pecked the disc) it was rewarded with a food pellet. After experiencing positive reinforcement, the animal continued to activate this lever. B- Skinner showed that rats and pigeons could be conditioned to perform the same behaviour, activating the lever, to avoid an unpleasant stimulus- like an electric shock. Showing their behaviour had been negatively reinforced.
  • AO3: Well Controlled Research
    A strength is that it focuses on the measurement of observable behaviour within highly controlled lab settings. By breaking behaviours into basic stimulus-response units, all other possible extraneous variables are removed. This means cause-and-effect relationships can be established. E.g. Skinner was able to explain how reinforcement influenced animal's behaviour. Suggesting it then has high scientific credibility.
  • AO3: Oversimplification
    Although research is seen as well controlled, there is an issue in that Behaviourists may have oversimplified the learning process. By reducing learning to simple components, it ignores the influence of human thought on learning. Other approaches like the SLT and the Cognitive approach have drawn attention to the mental processes involved in learning. This then indicates that learning is more complex than observable behaviour alone. Private mental processes are also essential.
  • AO3: Real-World Application
    The principles of conditioning have been applied to real world behaviours and problems. E.g. operant conditioning is the basis of token economies that have been used successfully in institutions (like prisons and psychiatric wards). They work by rewarding appropriate behaviour with tokens which can be exchanged for privileges. The idea of classical conditioning can be applied to the explanation and treatment of phobias using Mowrer's two-process model. This then demonstrates that the behaviourist approach has widespread application.
  • AO3: Environmental Determinism
    A limitation is that it views all behaviour as being conditioned by past conditioning experiences. Skinner suggested that everything we do is the sum of our reinforcement history. When we have to make a choice it gives the 'illusion' of free will; however, Skinner argues that our past conditioning history determines the outcome. Denying free will then ignores the influence of conscious decision-making processes within our behaviour; making it an extreme position.
  • AO3: Ethical Issues
    Procedures such as Skinner's Box allowed for behaviourists to maintain a high level of control over the experimental 'subjects'- but many have questioned the ethics of conducting these investigations. Animals were housed in harsh, cramped conditions and were deliberately kept below their natural weight so they were continuously hungry. Conducting a cost/benefit analysis- it is important to consider if the results gained can be effectively generalised to the learning processes of humans.