chinese chapter 2

Cards (45)

  • 葡萄 (p ú tao) - grapes
  • 象征 (Xi à ng zh ē ng) - Symbolize, symbolization
    • 用法:吃鱼象征年年有余,吃年糕象征步步高升
  • 风俗 (F ē ng s ú) - custom
  • 辞旧迎新 (c í ji ù y í ng x ī n) - Bid farewell to the old year and welcome the new year
  • 燃放 (R á n f à ng) - Set off(fireworks or firecrackers)
    • 用法:燃放烟花、燃放爆竹
  • 瓶瓶罐罐 (P í ng p í ng gu à n gu à n) - Bottles and cans
  • 厄运 (è y ù n) - Bad luck
  • 前夕 (Qi á n x ī) - Eve
    • 用法:新年前夕、圣诞前夕
  • 碗碟 (W ǎ n di é) - Bowls and plates
  • 兆头 (Zh à o tou) - Omen, sign
  • 忙碌 (M á ng l ù) - Busy
    • 用法:工作忙碌,生活忙碌
  • 遥远 (Y á o yu ǎ n) - Far away, far
  • 恭敬 (G ō ng j ì ng) - Respectfully
  • 万事大吉 (W à n sh ì d à j í) - Lucky in everything, everything goes well
  • 元旦 (Yu á n d à n) - New year day(1st Jan)
  • (z é i) - thief
  • 鱼尾纹 (Y ú w ě i w é n) - Wrinkles around the eyes
  • 装饰 (Zhu ā ng sh ì) - Decorate, decorations
  • 圣诞 (Sheng d à n) - christmas
  • 结婚 (ji é h ū n) - Get married
  • (ji à) - Marry to(use on female)
    • 用法:姐姐嫁到国外,姐姐嫁出去了, 姐姐嫁给了她的男朋友
  • 视讯 (sh ì x ù n) - Video call
  • 沉默寡言 (Ch é n m ò gu ǎ y á n) - A person with few words
    • 话少
  • 副 (f ù) - Measurement word
    • 用法:一副眼镜, 一副令人讨厌的样子
  • (k ù) - cool
  • 承诺 (Ch é ng nu ò) - promise
  • 围炉 (W é i l ú) - Whole family sitting around table having steamboat
  • 蒸腾 (Zh ē ng t é ng) - Steam rising , steaming hot
  • 叽叽喳喳 (J ī ji zh ā zh ā) - Chitter-chatter
  • 悦耳 (yu è ě r) - Melodious, pleasing to the ears
  • 红枣 (H ó ng z ǎ o) - Red dates
  • 儿媳妇 (É r x í fu) - Daughter-in-law
  • 莫名其妙 (m ò m í ng q í mi à o) - Baffled, felt ridiculous
  • 疑惑 (y í hu ò) - Confused, puzzled, in doubt
  • 用法:遭受挫折,面对挫折
  • 小人物的心声 - Voice of the little people
  • 新谣 Xīn yáo - Singapore self-composed Mandarin songs in the 1970s-1980s (Singapore ballads)
  • Some examples: 《小人物的心声》,《细水长流》,《新加坡派》,《你的倒影》,《邂逅》
  • 芝麻 Zhī ma - Sesame
  • 奉献 Fèng xiàn - Devote, dedicate