Epic: a long unified narrative poem recounting the adventures of a warrior, king, or god, embodying religious and philosophical beliefs, moral code, customs, traditions, and culture
Metrical Romance: recounts the quest undertaken by a single knight to gain a lady's favor
Metrical Tale: a simple, straightforward story in verse
Ballad: a narrative poem meant to be sung, usually composed in the ballad stanza
Ode: a dignified and elaborately structured lyric poem praising and glorifying an individual, commemorating an event, or describing nature intellectually
Elegy: a lyric poem expressing sorrow or lamentation, usually for someone who has died
Sonnet: a short poem with fourteen lines, usually written in iambic pentameter
Euphemism -Often in literature, whether for humor or just for taste, a writer wishes to describe some graphic or offensive event using milder imagery or phrasing
Allusion -An author refers to the events or characters from another story in her own story with the hopes that those events will add context or depth to the story she's trying to tell