Cards (7)

  • Tuberculosis
    a type of bacteria disease
    causes harm to lung tissues and suppresses immune system
    cured by antibiotics
    prevented by vaccination
  • Meningitis
    a type of bacteria disease
    infect the brain specifically the meninges
    meninges are the protective layers around brain
    very serious if spread quickly can cause septicaemia and death
    can be cured by antibiotics if diagnosed early
    some meningitis can be vaccinated against
  • HIV/AIDs
    transported in the blood
    attacks helper t cells
    retro virus - reverse transcriptase coppies viral RNA into a DNA copy
    destroys helper t cells this affects function of immune system
    affects immunes systems ability to respond other pathogens
  • Malaria
    type of protoctist
    infects red blood cells
    spread to humans through mosquitoes (vector)
    mosquito bites and takes blood and injects malaria into human bloodstream
  • Ring worm
    type of fungi
    cause white crusty circle on skin
    not harmful but causes itchiness and discomfort
  • Athletes foot
    type of fungi disease
    causes skin to crack and become scaly causes itchiness and soreness
    thrives in warm and damp areas
    cured by anti fungal creams
  • influenza
    infects ciliated epithelia cells lining gas exchange surfaces
    infection can kill cells and result in harmful secondary infections like pneumonia
    young children the elderly and people with poor immune systems are at risk of severe symptoms of the flu