
Subdecks (1)

Cards (49)

  • Elements exposed to hazards can be enumerated
  • Vulnerability is defined as the lack of power to be safe in times of disasters
  • Certain sectors are more vulnerable to disasters than others
  • Variations or levels of vulnerability depend on wealth, education, gender, age, and other cultural and social conditions
  • Three main factors that affect the level of vulnerability of communities are:
    • Physical
    • Social
    • Motivational
  • Factors affecting the level of vulnerability of communities:
    • Physical factors include location, environment, and structural aspects
    • Social factors include unclear protocols, lack of organized evacuation drills, no early warning system, uncooperative neighborhood, and untrained local community leaders
    • Motivational factors include lack of coordination between local leaders and community people, diversion of funds for DRRM, unwillingness of local leaders to integrate DRRM into programs
  • Vulnerability of physical structures:
    • Engineered Construction: designed by competent engineers and architects, building-code compliant
    • Non-engineered Construction: lack compliance with safety standards, not designed by competent professionals
    • Owner-Built Buildings: lack necessary building permit and safety standards compliance
  • UNISDR stands for United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction
  • DRRM stands for Disaster Risk Reduction and Management
  • Identify if the following statements are Physical, Social, or Motivational:
    1. Absence or lack of DRRM related facilities and equipment such as fire extinguishers, first aid kits, ambulance, and others - Physical
    2. Internal conflicts and divisions exist between local community leaders - Social
    3. Non-compliant with building code - Physical
    4. A community is unaware of risks and their possible consequences - Social
    5. Local community leaders are not trained in DRRM - Motivational
  • The Philippines is located at the Pacific Ring of Fire, making it prone to earthquakes.
  • Earthquake hazards include ground shaking, landslides, liquefaction, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions.
  • Ground shaking can cause damage to buildings and infrastructure, while landslides can block roads and disrupt transportation.