natural selection increases advantageous alleles in a population
mutations sometimes result in a new allele being formed, which may be advantageous to the organism and increase its chances of survival, and so the frequency of the allele in the population
individuals with an allele that increases their chancesofsurvival are more likely to survive and reproduce and passon their genes, including the advantageous allele
2. this means that a largerproportion if the next generation inherits the advantageous allele
3. they in turn are morelikely to survive, reproduce and pass on their genes
4. so the frequency of the advantageous allele increases from generation to generation
4. over generations this leads to evolution, as the advantageous alleles become more common in the population
behavioural adaptations - ways an organism acts that increase its chance of survival and reproduction, ie. animals playing dead
physiological adaptations - processes inside an organism's body that increase its chance of survival. ie. bears hibernate over winter, their rate of metabolism lowers to conserve energy
anatomical adaptations - structural features of an organism's body that increasechances of survival, ie. whales have blubber