Inherent in sovereignty - taxation is an inherent power of every government. A state cannot exist without taxation to support its operation and welfare of people.
Legislative in character - government's inherent power to impose and collect taxes is exercise through its legislative branch or the congress.
The inherent powers of the state
Police Power
Power of Taxation
Power of Eminent Domain
PolicePower - it is the power of the state for promoting public welfare by restraining and regulating the use of liberty and property. It may be exercise only by the government. The property taken in the exercise of this power is destroyed because it is noxious or intended for a noxious purpose.
Power of Taxation - it is the power by which the State raises revenue to defray the necessary expenses of the government.
Power of Eminent Domain - It is the power of the State to acquire private property for public purpose upon payment of just compensation.
A national tax is imposed by the government
A local tax is imposed by the municipal corporations or local government units (LGUs).
Classification of taxes as a scope
Classification of taxes as to subject matter or object
Personal poil or capitationtax
Personal, poil or capitationtax - A tax of a fixed amount imposed upon individual, whether citizens or not, residing within a specific territory without regard to their property or the occupation in which he may be engaged.
Propertytax - Tax imposed on property, whether real or personal, in proportion either to its value, or in accordance with some other reasonable method of apportionment.
Excise Tax - Any tax which does not fall within the classification of poll tax or property tax. This is a tax on the exercise of certain rights and privileges.
Essential Elements Of a Tax
It is an enforced contribution.
It is generallypayableinmoney.
It is proportionateincharacter.
It is leviedonpersons, property, or the exerciseofarightorprivilege (subjects or objects of taxation).
It is leviedbythelaw-making bodyofthestate.
It is leviedforpublicpurpose.
They areinherentintheState.
They existindependentlyoftheconstitutionalthough the conditionsfortheirexercisemaybeprescribedbytheconstitution.