Cards (18)

  • Leave will happen to them after death can influence the way they live their lives
  • Life after death is the idea that, although your body may die and decay, your soul can live on.
  • Christianity teachers that the soul lives on after death (immortality of the soul), and the body will be resurrected for Judgement Day, just as Jesus was resurrected after his crucifixion.
  • Christians, believe that God will judge you and you’ll go to either heaven or hell
  • Heaven is often portrayed as a place of Great beauty and serenity a paradise. We will spend eternity with God - as long, as you believe in Jesus, and have followed his teachings, you can be saved by God‘s grace. The soul can go to heaven, even though the bodies (‘earthly tent’) is gone
  • “ I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die…” - John 11:25
  • “ for we know, but if the earthly tent we live in is destroyed, we have a building from God and eternal house in heaven, not built by human hands.” - 2 Corinthians 5:1
  • How on the other hand is often betrayed as a place of torment in pain - the final destination of nonbelievers and those who have led bad lives.
  • “ then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteousness to eternal life.” - Matthew 25:46
  • However, not all Christians, believe that Heaven and Hell are real places - many Christians see heaven until a states of mind. In heaven, you’ll be happy and know God - in hell, you’ll be unable to know God’s love. Pope John Paul II said that hell was a metaphor for how people who rejected God will feel.
  • Some Christians, for example, women and Catholics believe that going to hell means that any connection they have to God will be severed forever: “ this state of definitive self-exclusion from communication with God… it’s called ‘hell’
  • Some belief God wouldn’t punish people for eternity. If you believe that those who God finds unacceptable will be annihilated. In a report called ’The Mystery of Salvation’ , senior members of the Church of England said that for those people “the only end is total non-being”.
  • Some believe that a loving God wouldn’t allow anyone to go to hell.
  • Roman Catholics believe in a place or state of existence called Purgatory. Sins are punished and the person must “ undergo purification” (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1030) before the soul can move onto heaven. Protestants believe this isn’t the Bible, so they reject it.
  • Many Christians believe that Jesus will return to earth in the Second Coming (Parousia), and everyone who has died, will be resurrected: “ in Christ, all will made alive” (1 Corinthians 15:22).
  • Some believe that all of humanity will then be judged at the Last Judgement. Those that God finds acceptable will enter heaven - the rest will go to hell, as in the story of the sheep and the goats. (Matthew 25:31-46)
  • Some Christians, e.g. Roman Catholics, believe in a personal day of judgement, straight after a person dies - the actions will be judged, and they’ll go to heaven or hell, straight away. something they’ll be judged again at the last judgement, and Renta, heaven or hell in their resurrected forms.
  • Don’t believe in a personal judgement - The, so must wait to be judged at the Last Judgement.