Meansaprejudiceinfavourof human species over otheranimal species
Sanctity of Life - Christianity
Lifeis given byGodand he hasaplanfor everyone evenbeforetheyareborn-God giveslifeand only he cantake it away
Weare made in the'imageofGod'andhe ispleasedwith what he hasmade.
Humansaremore important thananimalsbecause we were thelastpart of creationand have been givensouls
Jesus inhismiraclesandteachingshowed that humanlifeshould bevalued
Sanctity of Life - Islam
Life is given byAllahandlifeistaken awaybyAllah - no humanistotake a life
Allah breathes a soulinto humans after120 days
Allah has a planfor every human from the moment they areconceived
Killingone person is likekillingall of humanity
Sanctity of Life - Humanism
Human life is important but because it's the only one we have - no afterlife
Lifeis about beinghappy - every human should have the chance to behappy
Speciesism - Peter Singer believes it is wrongto give humans morerightsthan animals, this is prejudice against animals
Singer believesanimasand humans should haveequal rights and so he is aveganand is againstexperiments
In some instances, abortion may be allowed in the Church in Wales if the pregnancy threatens the life of the mother
Early abortion is not considered murder in the Church in Wales as the foetus is viewed as just a collection of cells
God has given humans free will to decide, and no woman should be forced to continue with a pregnancy against her wishes. She should follow her conscience
Muslims follow absolute morality and believe that the sanctity of life is more important than the quality oflife
Most Muslims believe that life begins at conception, so abortion is not allowed
Allah gives life and only he can take itaway
Ensoulment occurs after 120 days when Allah gives the foetus a soul, and no abortion is allowed after this point
The Qur'an prohibits killing children out of poverty, indicating that abortion is not allowed if a person cannot afford them as Allah will provide for them
Some Muslims believe that abortion can be permitted if the mother's life is in danger or if the child will have a serious disability
The Qur'an teaches that on Judgement Day, the unborn child will question why its life was taken