Religious studies

Cards (99)

  • Islam teaches that crime is a ...
    Islam teaches that crime is a distraction from Allah

    - Islam teaches that allah created all humans equally and they deserve to be treated fairly - the ummah
  • Reasons people commit crime
    - poverty
    - mental illness
    - addiction
    - greed
    - upbringing
    - unjust laws
  • Muslim views towards poverty
    Zakah exists to ensure noone lives in poverty
  • Muslim views towards addiction
    Illegal drugs and alcohol are haram so addiction is not an excuse
  • Muslim views towards unjust laws
    - Muslims should stand up or unjust or as Allah is just, but should do so peacefully - Salam (main message)

    - Shariah law is believed to be God's law so it can't be unjust
  • Christian views towards greed
    The ten commandment forbids envy that often causes greed
  • Christian views towards poverty+ quote
    Society should ensure no one had to steal ("Thou shall not steal)

    - Christian's support foodbanks e.g. the Trussell Trust

    - "for I was hungry and you gave me something to eat"
  • Christian views toward upbringing
    Parents should travel their children how to behave 'Honour your father and mother,
  • Christian's views towards mental illness
    Golden rule
  • Christian view towards addiction
    Christians permit alcohol but not to excess
  • Christian attitudes to lawbreakers
    - should be punished according to seriousness of the crime

    - should be treated humanly (punishment should be focused on reformation)
  • Quote: Christian attitudes to lawbreakers
    'I was in prison and you came to visit me
  • Types of crime
    - hate crime
    - theft
    - murder
  • Murder quotes
    - " Thou shall not kill"
    - Golden rule
    - sanctity of life
    - "Do not kill each other for Allah is merciful to you"
  • Hate crime beliefs and quotes
    - "Live at peace with everyone"
    - Imago dei
    - The Ummah
  • Theft quotes
    " thou shall not steal"
  • what did Christians believe about the government
    they believed God put the system of government in place to rule every citizen
  • Christian government quote
    "for there is no authority except that which God has established"
  • retribution - islam points
    - fair retribution

    - retribution is favoured because actions against Shari'ah law are actions against God
  • retribution - christianity quotes
    - "do not repay anyone evi for evil"

    - Old testament - "eye for eye"
  • deterrence - Chrsitian view + quote
    ' do not be overcome by evil but overcome evil with good'

    - spread God's word because it encourages peace and kindness - so people wont commit crimes
  • deterrence - Islam views + quote

    " ____ off the ____ of ______ ...- a _____ from God"

    - some Shari'ah punishments are carried out in public to deter people watching from commiting similar crimes

    "cut off the hands of thieves - a deterrent from God"
  • reformation
    offenders given treatment like counselling or community service so they can return to the community as a responsible law-abiding citizen
  • reformation does not replace ...
    does not replace punishment but happens alongside punishment for the worst offenders.
  • reformation - christian belief

    Jesus forgave the woman who commited adultery and told her to "turn way from you life of sin
  • reformation - islam
    - it is necessary for offenders to seek forgiveness from God and become purified

    - this becomes more likely if the offender is reform
  • in islam what may be used to assist reform
    education and financial advice
  • mmnemonics
    B - enevolent
    O - mnipotent
    T - ranscendent
    J - ust
    I - mmanent
    M - erciful
  • The qur'an teaches that Allah has ____names

    - "The most excellent names belong to God: use them to call on him"
  • Immanent
    Allah is close to every human and within all things on Earth.
  • Immanent - "We are _____ to him than our _______ ____"

    "We are closer to him than our jugular vein"
  • Immanent - "He is ____ you ____ you are"

    "He is with you wherever you are"
  • transcendent
    God is outside of our perception or grasp
  • transcendent - "no _____ can ____ him...He is ____ all _________

    "No vision can grasp him...He is above all comprehension"
  • transcendent - "There is _____ like ____"
    "There is nothing like him,"
  • omipotent
  • Omnipotent - "He who is the All-________, the All- ________, able to do ______"
    "He who is the All-knowing, the All powerful, able to do anything"
  • What are the two of the 99 names that show that Allah has complete power?
    'the Absolute' and 'the powerful
  • beneficent
    all-loving and all-good
  • Beneficient - "Allah's love is _____ times _____ than a _____ love"

    "Allah's love is 70 times greater than a mother's love," - Hadith