bsci202 exam 1 - lymphatic system

Cards (15)

  • functions of the lymphatic system:
    • return protein containing fluid from the interstitial fluid back to the blood
    • transport fat and fat soluble vitamins from GI tract to the blood
    • protect and defend body
    • macrophages and dendritic cells filter lymph
    • B and T lymphocytes provide immunity
  • what is lymph?
    fluid that enters the lymph capillaries from the interstitium
    • similar in composition to blood plasma w/ less protein and more fat
  • how is lymph circulated?
    lymphatic trunks merge until the lymph enters the 2 lymphatic ducts
    • right lymphatic duct drains lymph from upper right quadrant of the body
    • thoracic duct drains rest of lymph
  • what are the lymphoid cells?
    lymphocytes, macrophages, dendritic cells, reticular cells
  • what are reticular cells?
    connective tissue cells that produce reticular fibers for the stroma that supports other lymphoid cells in lymphoid tissues
  • what is lymphoid tissue?
    made of reticular fibers (stroma) and lymphoid cells (macrophages, lymphocytes)
  • what is diffuse lymphoid tissue?
    loose, uncapsulated tissue found in most organs and in MALT
    • forms pharyngeal, palantine, lingual tonsils
  • what is MALT?
    mucous associated lymphatic tissue
  • what are lymphoid follicles?
    like diffuse tissue but greater density of fibers
    • in lymph nodes, appendix, and peyer's patches
  • what are the mechanisms used to circulate lymph?
    • contraction of skeletal muscles surrounding lymphatic capillaries, lymphatic's, lymphatic ducts
    • breathing creates pressure changes
    • presence of valves
    • pulsation of neighboring elastic arteries near lymph nodes
    • contraction of smooth muscles in walls of larger lymphatic vessels and lymphatic ducts
  • what is the function of lymph nodes?
    filter substances traveling through lymphatic fluid and contain lymphocytes that help fight disease
  • what is the function of the spleen?
    filters out old damaged cells and controls amount of blood and blood cells that circulate
  • what is the function of the thymus gland?
    production and maturation of immune cells
  • what is the function of tonsils?
    filters out germs entering your nose and mouth
  • what is the function of peyer's patches?
    monitor germs that come into your body