Gas exchange in fish

Cards (24)

  • How does concurrent flow affect the concentration gradient of oxygen in water and blood?
    + parallel/ concurrent flow
    + concentration of oxygen in water and blood equalises
    + no more oxygen exchange takes place
  • Why is there still a diffusion gradient to allow diffusion of oxygen from water into blood?
    + even when O2 concentration in water is low at end of lamella
    + deoxygenated blood has just entered the lamella, so even lower in oxygen concentration
    + still a diffusion gradient present
  • What challenges must aquatic organisms face for gas exchange?
    + lower oxygen content in lakes/ oceans
    + higher density and viscosity
    + slower rate of diffusion
    + scales prohibit gas exchange
    + inhaling and exhaling water requires too much energy to be efficient
  • How have fish evolved a more energy efficient form of ventilation?
    + moving water in one direction is simpler and more economical in energy terms
    + evolved gills as an internal gas exchange surface
  • Where are the gills found?
    found within the body of the fish, behind the head
  • What is the purpose of the operculum in most bony fish?
    covers five pairs of gills
  • How can swimming fish keep a current of water flowing over their gills?
    by keeping their mouth open
  • What do primitive cartilaginous fish need to do for gas exchange?
    continually swim
  • What are cartilaginous fish?
    fish with skeletons made of cartilage instead of bone
  • What process keeps the water flowing into the mouth and out of the gills?
    coordinating changing the volume of the buccal cavity and movements of the operculum
  • What are the steps for coordinating inspiration in fish (water flowing to the gills)?
    + mouth opens, buccal floor lowers and operculum closes
    + volume of buccal cavity increases
    + pressure inside mouth now lower than outside
    + water enters mouth down a pressure gradient
  • What are the steps for coordinating expiration ( water flows out over the gills) in fish?
    + mouth remains closed, buccal floor risen
    + operculum opens
    + pressure in opercular cavity decreases
    + water forced out of the operculum, over the gills, down a pressure gradient
    + water gets rid of CO2
  • Which four features make fish gills a good gas exchange surface?
    + large SA
    + thin ( to reduce diffusion distance)
    + good blood supply/ large network of capillaries ( maintain concentration gradient)
    + well-ventilated; fresh water constantly passes over ( maintain concentration gradient)
  • How are the gills structured?
    + composed of gill filaments ( primary lamellae)
    + primary lamellae stacked together and attached to bony arch
    + overlapping tip reduces water flow speed
    + more time for gas exchange
  • What other structures are on the gill filaments ( primary lamellae)?

    + many protrusions positioned at right angles
    + called secondary lamellae ( gill plates)
  • How are the gills adapted for their function?
    + gill filaments (primary lamellae) and (gill plates) secondary lamellae provide a large SA
    + lamellae have many capillaries i.e. good blood supply
    + lamellae have thin walls i.e. short diffusion distance
    + gills well-ventilated with fresh water ( maintaining a steep concentration gradient of O2)
  • What is the gill arch?
    bone or cartilage to connect paired gill filaments with lamellae
  • How would a concurrent flow system in fish work?
    + water and blood flow in the same direction
    + most oxygenated meets least oxygenated blood
    + starts favourable due to steep concentration gradient
    + concentration gradient lose across gills
    + efficiency of gas exchange drops
  • What is the counter-current flow system in fish?
    + water and blood flow in opposite directions
    + deoxygenated blood flows to gills
    + initially meets water with some oxygen removed
    + efficiency maintained across length of gill plate -> steep concentration gradient maintained
  • Why is the counter-current flow system most efficient than the mammalian gas exchange system?
    gills can extract oxygen at rate 3x greater than humans using lungs
  • What safety precautions should be taken to dissect a bony fish?
    + wear gloves to prevent contamination with biological material/ potential microbes
    + place instruments in disinfectant to kills microbes
    + dispose biological material appropriately to avoid contamination of bins
    + thoroughly disinfect surfaces to kill microbes
  • Why do the tips of gill filaments overlap?
    + this increases resistance to the flow of water over the gills
    + slows water down
    + more time for gas exchange
  • What kind of circulatory system do fish have?
    single circulatory system
  • What is ram ventilation?
    + fish in high activity keep their mouths open while swimming
    + this allows constant ventilation while moving and going through aerobic respiration