1. Cells

Cards (47)

  • What three things do ALL cells contain
    A cell surface membrane
    genetic material
  • Describe and give function of DNA in prokaryotes
    Describe - short circular DNA not associated with histone proteins
    function- carried genetic codes for protein
  • Describe and give function of the cell wall of prokaryotic cells
    Describe- contains murein which is a glycoprotein
    function - rigid and strengthens
  • Describe and give the function of cell membrane of prokaryotes
    Describe - phospholipid bilayer
    function - controls passage of substances
  • Describe and give function of cytoplasm in prokaryotes and eukaryotes
    Describe- solution where many dissolved molecules are found
    function - site of metabolic reactions
  • Describe and give function of ribosomes in prokaryotes
    Describe - small 70s
    function - protein synthesis
  • Describe and give function of a flagellum on a prokaryote
    Describe - thin rotating fibre
    function - allows movement
  • Describe and give function of plasmids in a prokaryote
    Describe - small loops of DNA that replicate independently
    function - pass on genetic info via conjugation with another cell
  • Describe and give function of a capsule on a prokaryotic cell
    Describe - extra layer
    function - prevents desiccation and phagocytosis
  • Give the function of a plasma membrane for eukaryotes
    Selectively permeable
  • Describe and give function of nucleus in eukaryotes
    Describe - surrounded by a nuclear envelope containing pores. Has one or more nucleoli. Contains chromosomes - linear DNA
    function - genetic code
  • Describe and give function for mitochondria in eukaryotes
    Describe - surrounded by two membranes fluid inside is called matrix and contains DNA
    function - site of aerobic respiration producing ATP
  • Describe and give function of rough endoplasmic reticulum in eukaryotes
    Describe - long flat tubes containing ribosomes
    function - synthesis and transport of proteins
  • Describe and give function of smooth endoplasmic reticulum in eukaryotes
    Describe - series of tubes with no ribosomes
    function - synthesis and transport of lipids
  • Describe and give function of Golgi apparatus in eukaryotic cells
    Describe - flattened sacs that vesicles bud off
    function - modified and packaged protein
  • What are lysosomes
    Small vesicles containing hydrolytic enzymes that digest broken or unwanted organelles.
  • What is the difference between eukaryotic ribosomes and prokaryotic ribosomes
    Eukaryotic has larger (80s) ribosomes
  • What three features are NOT always present in a prokaryotic cell
  • What three things do plant Cells have that animal cells don’t
    cell wall
  • What is the cell wall of a plant cell made of
    Cellulose. Prevents osmotic lysis
  • What is the cell wall of fungi made of
  • What is a granum in a chloroplast
    Stack of membrane bound discs called thylakoids. contain chlorophyll
  • Define tissue
    A group of similar cells
  • Define muscle
    Group of tissues
  • Define organ system
    Group of interacting organs working together
  • Why are viruses known as acellular
    They are non living so therefore are not cells
  • Magnification can be defined as …
    Number of times bigger the image is than the actual object
  • Resolution can be defined as…
    Minimum distance between two dots at which they can be seen as separate
  • How do optical microscopes work
    Use light and glass lenses to focus the light
    specimen must also be thin
  • Is resolution high or low in optical microscopes and why
    Low as light has a long wavelength
  • How does an electron microscope work
    Beam of electrons which are focussed using electromagnets
  • Why does electron microscope have much higher resolution
    Much smaller wavelength
  • What are the two types of electron microscopes
    Scanning electron microscope (SEM)
    transmission electron microscopes (TEM)
  • What are properties of scanning EM
    lower resolution
    can give 3D images
    surface of the object
    doesn’t require thin section
  • Properties of transmission (EM)
    Higher resolution
    thin sections
    no 3D image
    internal details are shown
  • which has a better magnification light or electron microscope
    Electron - up to 500,000
    light only 1500
  • What is an artefact
    Something that results from the way a slide is prepared - air bubble or dust .
  • How to convert mm to micro metres
  • Equation for magnification
    Image size = actual size x magnification
  • How to estimate size of object
    Eye piece graticule is calibrated against the stage micrometer scale of known length. Can then be used.