Just War theory + reasons for war

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  • Peace - the absence of conflict
  • Forgiveness - a person lets go of a grudge they hold against another person
  • Reconciliation - people who were previously in conflict are brought together to make peace
  • Pacifism - the belief that any form of war or physical violence is wrong
  • Justice - treating everyone fairly and doing the right thing
  • Injustice - unfair treatment towards a person or a group of people
  • Righteous anger - you are angry at injustice
  • indiscriminate violence - violence that is at random and not targeted
  • terrorism - use of violence to create fear and promote a particular message
  • CND - campaign for nuclear disarmament
  • Just War criteria: [SLAMPA]
    • Successful
    • Last Resort
    • Aims
    • Method
    • Proportional
    • Authority
  • Just War Criteria - Successful
    • wars are only justified if there is a reasonable chance of it being successful
    • meant if there is no possibility of winning then you are not allowed to go to war
  • Just War Criteria - Last Resort
    • war is only allowed if all other options have been tried first
    • war is not the first thing that should be tried
  • Just War Criteria - Aims
    • you must have good reason to go to war
    • war cannot be over money or land, it must be for the greater good of the people
  • Just War Criteria - Method
    • you can only use weapons/methods that are fair to the people involved
    • fair to both the armies and the civilians
  • Just War Criteria - Proportional
    • any harm caused by fighting must not be as bad as the harm it is trying to prevent
  • Just War Criteria - Authority
    • people cannot just go to war as they please
    • war is only allowed if those in charge of the place say it is okay
  • Jus ad Bellum [war hasn't yet started]
    • the conditions under which states may resort to war or to the use of armed force
  • Jus in Bello [war has started]
    • the law that governs the way in which warfare is conducted
  • Just War Theory - set of rules, originally proposed by St Thomas Aquinas, for fighting a war in a way believed to be justified by God
  • conflict - dispute between sides, individuals, or groups
  • cum hoc ergo propter hoc - "with this, therefore because of this"
    • A and B happen at the same time, therefore A must be causing B to happen
    • also known as post hoc fallacy
  • mutually assured destruction - the idea that both sides would be so scared of the other that they wouldn't attack