Making Primary Antibody to Vitronectin (mouse ab to human)
Injectmouse with humanVitronectin protein
Mouse will make Ab against this foreign protein
Mouseprimary Ab to Vitronectin
Making Secondary Antibody to Mouse Primary Antibody (goat ab)
Inject goat with mouse primary Ab to Vitronectin
Goat will make Ab against this foreign protein
Typically conjugated to a tag - Fluorescent or Enzyme linked
A secondary antibody is used because Primary Ab recognize very specificepitopes on antigen and it is difficult to tag without disruptingepitope binding site
Western Blot: Indicates steady state levels of specific proteins at a given time
Western Blot steps:
Treat cells as desired (leave some untreated)
Extract protein from cells and quantitate
Add loading buffer
Boil samples
Run on SDS-PAGE gel
Transferproteins to nitrocellulose membrane
Blockmembrane in milk or BSA
Add primary Ab to protein of interest and wash
Add secondary Abconjugated to HRP to primary Ab and wash
Add chemiluminescentreagent that interacts with HRP
Expose to film
Western Blot protein loading control:
Strip membrane (remove Ab)
SelectAb to a protein that doesn't change levels (ERK-1 / ERK-2)
Hybridize to membrane as done previously
Expose to film
Western Blot Advantages - Quick and relatively easy; Allows detection of steady state level of specific protein
Western Blot disadvantages - Only looks at steady state levels of protein; Ab can be expensive / not available
Western Half Life: determines the half life of specific protein under specific conditions
Western Half Life steps:
Treat cells as desired
Add translation inhibitors
Extract total protein from cells at various times
Quantitate protein
Add loading buffer
Boil samples
Run on SDS-PAGE gel
Transfer to nitrocellulose membrane
Blockmembrane in milk or BSA
Add primary Ab and wash
Add secondary Abconjugated to HRP to primary Ab and wash
Add ECLreagent
Expose to film and densitometry
Densitometry gives arbitrary values
Western Half Life doesn't have loading control so have to repeat
Western Half Life Advantages - Can measure proteinhalf life
Western Half Life Disadvantages - Need more dishes; More time consuming
Western Blot and Half Life loading buffers?
SDS, Beta-ME, Glycerol, Bromophenol Blue
Western Blot Conclusions:
Cell is making moreprotein in response to stimulus