
Cards (12)

  • Neurons
    Carry messages at high speed in the form of electrical impulses
  • Nerves
    Many neurons grouped together
  • Sensory neurons
    Gather information from receptors and sends the sensory information as nerve impulses towards the CNS
  • Interneurons
    Found in the CNS
    Carry information between sensory and motor neurons
  • Motor neurons
    Sends information away from the CNS to effectors
  • Label
    A) Dendrite
    B) Soma
    C) Myelin Sheath
    D) Axon
    E) Axon Terminal Buttons
  • Soma
    Processes information and decides if it should be passed on
  • Dendrites
    Have a large surface area and receive messages from other neurons
  • Axon
    Initiates impulses and conducts them away
  • Axon terminals
    Have terminal buttons that contain neurotransmitters
  • Myelin
    A white, fatty substance that forms the myelin sheath that is used to insulate the axon
  • Synapse
    The gap that separates two neurons
    Messages pass across the synapse through chemicals called neurotransmitters that are contained in vesticles