Cards (17)

  • Registered Nurse
    assesses a client’s health status, identifies health problems, and develops and coordinates care.
  • licensed practical nurse (LPN)

    provides direct client care under the direction of an RN, physician, or other licensed practitioner.
  • Advanced practice registered nurses (APRN’s)

    provide direct client care as NPs, nurse midwives, certified registered nurse anesthetists, and clinical nurse specialists
  • Alternative (Complementary) Care Provider Alternative or complementary health care
    refers to those practices not commonly considered part of Western medicine. Chiropractors, herbalists, acupuncturists, massage therapists, reflexologists, holistic health healers, and other health care providers
  • Case Manager
    role is to ensure that clients receive fiscally sound, appropriate care in the best setting.
  • Dentist
    diagnose and treat mouth, jaw, and dental problems.
  • Dietitian or Nutritionist
    has special knowledge about the diets required to maintain health and to treat disease.
  • Emergency Medical Personnel
    Providers are associated with ambulance or emergency medical services agencies (e.g., fire departments) that provide first-responder care in the community.
  • Occupational Therapist

    assists clients with impaired function to gain the skills to perform activities of daily living
  • Paramedical Technologist
    Laboratory technologists, radiologic technologists, and nuclear medicine technologists are just three kinds of paramedical technologists in the expanding field of medical technology.
  • Pharmacist
    prepares and dispenses pharmaceuticals in hospital and community settings.
  • Physical Therapist
    assists clients with musculoskeletal problems. treat movement dysfunctions by means of heat, water, exercise, massage, and electric current and strength, providing therapeutic measures (e.g., exercises and heat applications to improve mobility and strength), and teaching new skills (e.g., how to walk with an artificial leg).
  • Physician
    is responsible for medical diagnosis and for determining the therapy required by a person who has a disease or injury. however, many physicians include health promotion and disease prevention in their practice.
  • Respiratory Therapist
    is skilled in therapeutic measures used in the care of clients with respiratory problems.
  • Social Worker
    counsels clients and their support persons regarding problems such as finances, marital difficulties, and adoption of children. They are particularly familiar with both public and private resources available to clients according to their socioeconomic qualifications.
  • Spiritual Support Personnel
    Chaplains, pastors, rabbis, priests, and other religious or spiritual advisers serve as part of the health care team by attending to the spiritual needs of clients
  • Unlicensed Assistive Personnel
    are health care staff who assume delegated aspects of basic client care. These tasks include bathing, assisting with feeding, and collecting specimens