Economics is the study of how people allocate their limited resources to societies unlimited wants
The three basic questions any economic system must answer are:
What to produce
How to produce
for whom to produce
Microeconomics is the economic problem from an individual point of veiw
Macroeconomics is the study of the economic problem on a societies point of veiw
Choice means people must choose what wants they will satisfy
Scarcity means there is not enough resources to satisfy an infinite number of wants
Opportunity cost is the nextbestalternative
The principal of marginal benefit means that as you consumemore of something the additional benefits you get declines
Marginal analysis means calculating marginal or additional benefits and comparing it with the marginal cost
Ceteris paribus means all other things constant
A Production Possibility Frontier shows all the combinations of goods and services that can be produced by an economy given the available resources and the level of technology
If the opportunity cost between two goods is constant, the PPF will be straight
The economically efficient point is the combination that maximizes net benefit for society
An outwards shift of the whole PPF occurs if there is an increase in the quantity or quality of resources that affects the production of both goods.
A market economy is an economy where resources are owned privately and decisions are made by the owners acting in self interest
In a command economy, the government owns most of the factors of production and makes all economic decisions
The law of supply states that as the price of a good or service rises, the quantitysupplied will also rise.
The law of demand states that as the price of a good rises, people buy less of it, ceteris paribus
There is a negative relationship between price and quantity demanded, and this is for two reasons, the income effect and the substitution effect.
The income effect is when the price of a good rises, consumers are not willing to buy as much of it, because their real income has decreased
The substitution effect is when the price of a good rises, consumers switch from buying that good to another good which they can afford instead