IH 2 Asbestos

Cards (39)

  • what are the two fibrous silicate minerals
    serpentine minerals and amphibole minerals
  • chrysotile is what type of mineral
    serpentine mineral
  • list the types of amphibole minerals

  • what are the advantages of asbestos
    -soft and pliable
    -chemical- resistant
    -high tensile strength
    -good thermal and electrical insulating properties
    -good frictional properties
  • how did ancient Egypt use asbestos
    -used asbestos to improve durability of clothing
    -used to wrap and pack embalmed pharaohs
  • how did ancient Persians civilization use asbestos
    -imported asbestos from india
    -wrapping for their dead (burial clothe)
    -believed to be hair from a small mythical animal that lived by fire and died by water
  • how did the Greeks use asbestos
    -woven into the clothing worn by imported slaves
    -funeral dress for the cremation of kings
  • who was the first to recognize that asbestos had harmful biological effects
    the Greeks
  • what did the ancient Rome civilization use asbestos for
    -used asbestos for its flame-retardant and insulation properties
    -wove asbestos fibers into fabrics to make towels, net and ---head coverings for women
    -used in building materials
    -roman restaurant used tablecloths and napkins made of asbestos
  • what was some historical evidence that asbestos wasn't good for us
    -the ancient Greeks, Strabo noted that many slaves who wore asbestos suffered from sickness in the lungs
    -ancient Rome, Pliny the elder, observed that people who had been exposed to asbestos at high concentration were prone to "lung sickness"
  • how did Charlemagne, middle ages use asbestos
    used asbestos tablecloth to convince some barbarian guests that he had supernatural powers
  • how was asbestos use in the middle ages
    asbestos was also used as insulation in suits of armor
  • how was asbestos used in the industrial revolution

    -became very popular
    -asbestos was used as insulation for steam pipes, turbines, boilers kilns, ovens
    -increase commercial mining
  • how did the united states use asbestos
    use for steam locomotive(trains)
  • what was the advantages of uses asbestos for locomotive (trains)
    -effective solution to the problems of heat buildup and temperature fluctuation in these trains
    -a major component in insulating boilers, fireboxes and pipes
    -diesel power locomotives also use asbestos as insulation
    -brakes and clutches were lined with asbestos
  • how was asbestos used in world war 2
    -used in ships, insulating many components that were subjected to high heats
    -fire-proofing of war ships
  • how did construction industries use asbestos
    ACM included insulation products, floor and ceiling tiles,roofting products, and cement pipes
    and was used in most homes and buildings in the early mid 1900
  • what household items was asbestos was used in
    -insulation in appliances, handheld hair dryers
    -ironing boards
    -textiles (hot pads and pot holders)
  • Amosite
    -brown asbestos
    -2nd most abundantly used type in U.S
    -primarily used in cement products
  • Chrysotile
    -white asbestos
    -like cotton
    -most abundantly used type in us(90%)
    -primarily imported from canada
  • crocidolite
    -blue asbestos
    -3rd most abundantly used
    -considered most hazardous
    -less heat resistant than other type
    -primarily in cement products
    -used in WW2 gas mask and filters of infant incubators
  • what type of asbestos is the most hazardous

  • Tremolite
    -most commonly occurs in talc deposits
    -created in makeup products
    -impurity in mica deposits
  • major asbestos illnesses
    -asbestos-related lung cancer
    -pleural plaques
  • how are the asbestos illnesses are from
    inhaling airborne asbestos fibers
  • asbestosis

    -its a form of pneumoconiosis produced by the inhalation of asbestos fibers
    -characterized by diffuse interstitial fibrosis of the lung parenchyma
    -honey comb appearance of the lung
  • early stage asbestosis
    -lung typically normal in appearance
    -minor changes in pulmonary function
    -symptoms are: shortness of breath that's overlooked, dry cough, general malaise or feeling drained and tired, wheezing
  • mid stage asbestosis

    -symptoms are shortness of breath is now more frequent
    recurring chest pain or a feeling of tightness in the chest area
    -clubbed fingers or pitted, uneven fingernails
  • advanced stage asbestos symptoms
    -more severe chest pain,like something putting pressure on your chest
    -poor sleep and the need to sleep with being fully reclined so that breathing is easier
    -swelling of the hands, feet, and ankles
    -coughing up blood or fluid from the lungs
    -recurring infections, particularly respiratory infection
  • mesothelioma
    -rare kind of cancer
    -"signature tumor" from asbestos exposure
    -arises from the mesothelial cells of that line the pleural, pericardial, and peritoneal cavities lining the tumor grows in
    -long latency period (30-50 yrs)
  • butchart system (old method)-stages of mesothelioma cancer

    stage 1: cancer is only seen in one side of the chest lining, or pleura
    stage 2: the mesothelioma has spread to any one of the chest wall, esophagus or heart or the lymph nodes of the chest
    stage 3: the cancer had invaded the diaphragm and the lining of the abdominal cavity (peritoneal cancer) or has spread to additional lymph nodes in the body
    stage 4: mesothelioma has spread to several major organs
  • what are the three keys to determining how advanced mesothelioma cancer
    -the extent of the tumor
    -how advanced the disease is in the lymph nodes
    -has the cancer has spread to other organs
  • TNM staging system (new method) stages of mesothelioma cancer
    stage 1: mesothelioma is restricted to the pleura of the chest and has not spread to other areas
    stage 2: the cancer has spread to the pleural lining and to the outer lining of the lung or into the lung itself
    stage 3: in addition to the pleura, mesothelioma spreads to part of the chest cavity behind the breast bone and cancer of the lymph nodes
    stage 4: the most advanced of the mesothelioma stages, when cancer has spread to major organs or the bone
  • pleural plaques
    -deposits of fibrous tissue that develop in the chest cavity as a result of asbestos exposure
    -deposits usually are found on the parietal pleura
    they are also known to develop on the surface of the diaphragm and on the peritoneal mesothelium
  • Friable Asbestos
    asbestos-containing material that when dry, can be easily crumbled or pulverized to powder by hand
  • what is considered to be regulated asbestos-containing material
    material that contain more than 1% asbestos and is friable
  • what were some historically exposed employee groups
    -shipbuilding industries
    -asbestos mining and milling
    -manufacturing of asbestos textiles and other asbestos products
  • what are some currently exposed employee groups to asbestos
    -demolition and renovation workers b/c tiles/cement
    -firefighters b/c some building still have asbestos
    -automobile workers b/c of international and foreign cars
    -industrial maintenance employers b/c papermills/ big heavy industry still contain asbestos
  • What are the two act that was not passed
    Fairness in asbestos injury resolution act(FAIR Act)

    -asbestos in America act