Personages (Funda lec)

Cards (23)

  • Knights of St. John of Jerusalem (Italian)

    Also called as “Knights of the Hospitalers” established to give care.
  • Teutonic Knights (German)

    Took subsequent wars in the Holy Land. Cared for the injured and established hospitals in the military camps.
  • Knights of St. Lazarus
    Care for those who suffered Leprosy, syphilis, and chronic skin diseases
    A monasteric order founded in 1348. They established the __ School of Nursing, the largest School under religious auspices exclusively in US and it closed down in 1969.
    -Took vows of poverty, obedience to service and chastity
    -Founded the 2nd order of St. Francis of Assisi
    -“the poor _”
    -The patroness of Nursing
    -A princess
    -Sees her calling to give care for the sick
    -Fed thousands of hungry people
    -“Little Saint” – took care of the sick as early as 7y/o
    -“1st Lady with a Lamp”
  • Linda Richards
    the first graduate nurse in US. Graduated in September 1, 1873.
  • Dr. William Halstead
    designed the first rubber gloves
  • Caroline Hampton Robb
    the first nurse to wear the rubber gloves working as an operating nurse.
  • American Nurses Association & National League for
    Nursing Education
    a nursing organization that contributes to the uplift of nursing profession.
  • Dona Hilaria de Aguinaldo
    -1st wife of Emilio Aguinaldo
    -Established Philippine Red CrossFebruary 17, 1899
  • Dona Maria Agoncillo de Aguinaldo
    -2nd wife of Emilio Aguinaldo
    -1st president of Philippine Red Cross (Batangas Chapter)
  • Josephine Bracken
    Helped Rizal in treating sick people
  • Melchora Aquino
    Took care of the wounded Katipuneros
  • Anastacia Giron Tupaz
    -Founder of Filipino Nurses Association – established on October 15, 1922
    -1st Filipino chief nurse of PGH
    -1st Filipino Superintendent of Nurses in the Philippines
  • Francisco Delgado
    1st president of Filipino Nurses Association
  • Loreto Tupaz
    Florence Nightingale of Iloilo
  • Cesaria Tan
    1st Filipino to receive Masteral Degree in Nursing abroad
  • Socorro Sirilan
    -Pioneer in Social Service at San Lazaro Hospital
    -Also the chief nurse
  • Rosa Militar
    Pioneer in nursing education
  • Socorro Diaz
    1st editor of PNA magazine called, “The Message”
  • Conchita Ruiz
    Full time editor of the PNA newly named magazine, “The Filipino Nurse