Also called as “Knights of the Hospitalers” established to give care.
Teutonic Knights (German)
Took subsequent wars in the Holy Land. Cared for the injured and established hospitals in the military camps.
Knights of St. Lazarus
Care for those who suffered Leprosy, syphilis, and chronic skin diseases
A monasteric order founded in 1348. They established the __ School of Nursing, the largest School under religious auspices exclusively in US and it closed down in 1969.
-Took vows of poverty, obedience to service and chastity
-Founded the 2nd order of St. Francis of Assisi
-“the poor _”
-The patroness of Nursing
-A princess
-Sees her calling to give care for the sick
-Fed thousands of hungry people
-“Little Saint” – took care of the sick as early as 7y/o
-“1st Lady with a Lamp”
Linda Richards
the first graduate nurse in US. Graduated in September 1, 1873.
Dr. William Halstead
designed the first rubber gloves
Caroline Hampton Robb
the first nurse to wear the rubber gloves working as an operating nurse.
American Nurses Association & National League for
Nursing Education
a nursing organization that contributes to the uplift of nursing profession.
Dona Hilaria de Aguinaldo
-1st wife of Emilio Aguinaldo
-Established Philippine Red Cross – February 17, 1899
Dona Maria Agoncillo de Aguinaldo
-2nd wife of Emilio Aguinaldo
-1st president of Philippine Red Cross (Batangas Chapter)
Josephine Bracken
Helped Rizal in treating sick people
Melchora Aquino
Took care of the wounded Katipuneros
Anastacia Giron Tupaz
-Founder of Filipino Nurses Association – established on October 15, 1922
-1st Filipino chief nurse of PGH
-1st Filipino Superintendent of Nurses in the Philippines
Francisco Delgado
1st president of Filipino Nurses Association
Loreto Tupaz
Florence Nightingale of Iloilo
Cesaria Tan
1st Filipino to receive Masteral Degree in Nursing abroad
Socorro Sirilan
-Pioneer in Social Service at San Lazaro Hospital
-Also the chief nurse
Rosa Militar
Pioneer in nursing education
Socorro Diaz
1st editor of PNA magazine called, “The Message”
Conchita Ruiz
Full time editor of the PNA newly named magazine, “The Filipino Nurse