Managers and management

Cards (7)

  • Henry Mintzberg identified ten roles performed by managers within business in 1990
  • Management is not about functions but about what managers do
  • Autocratic (Authoritarian) Management:
    • Keeps all decision-making and information at the top of the organization
    • Characterized by one-way communication, minimal delegation or decentralization, and close supervision of employees
  • Democratic (Participative) Management:
    • Promotes the active participation of workers in decision-making
    • Involves a great deal of delegation and encourages decentralization
    • Involves discussions between managers and subordinates, actively encourages employee participation, and managers act upon advice and explain decisions
    • Subordinates have some control over their own working lives
  • Laissez-Faire Management:
    • Leaves much of the business decision-making to the workforce
    • A hands-off approach, opposite of the autocratic style
  • Paternalistic Approach:
    • Based on the belief that the manager knows what is best for the organization better than the workers
  • McGregor's Theory X and Theory Y Managers:
    • Theory X: Assumes that employees dislike work, avoid responsibility, and need to be closely controlled
    • Theory Y: Assumes that employees enjoy work, seek responsibility, and can be self-directed and creative