Cards (16)

  • Major determinant of plasma osmolality
  • formula for osmolality
    2Na+2 Na +glucose/20+glucose/20+BUN/3BUN/31.86Na+1.86Na +glucose/18+ glucose/18+BUN/2.8+BUN/2.8+99
  • reference range for osmolal gap
    5-10 mOsm/kg
  • colorimetric method for sodium
    albanese-lein method
  • measured in ethanol poisoning
    osmolal gap
  • normal value serum Na
    135-145 mmol/L
  • Normal value of K
    3.5-5.5 mmol/L
  • colorimetric method for chloride
    schales and schales
  • value of chloride for cystic fibrosis
    ≥60 mmol/L
  • in ISE method, the membrane is impregnated with this antibiotic
  • membrane used in ISE method for chloride
    silver silver chloride
  • specimen extraction for cystic fibrosis
    pilocarpine iontophoresis
  • titrating reagent for zall color reaction
    mercuric thiocyanite
  • color developer for zall color reaction

    ferric nitrite
  • interference in Cotlove chloridometer (colorimetric for chloride)
    bromide, cyanide, cysteine
  • colorimetric method for potassium
    lockhead and purcell