Geography Humanities Yr 9

Cards (19)

    B - Border
    O - Orientation
    L - Legend
    T - Title
    S - Source
    S – Scale
  • Eastings = (x axis)
    Northings = (y axis)
  • 4-figure Grid References
    Contains 4 numbers
    e.g. if you are given the number 3442, the first 2 numbers are eastings, and the last 2 are northings
  • 6-figure Grid References
    Contains 6 number, making it a more precise location
    Inside each box, imagine 10 tick marks along the eastings and northings
    e.g. 132 312
  • Topographic Maps
    Show shapes and slopes of a landscape using contour lines
    When the lines are closer together, something is steeper, when they are further apart something is more flat
    Has numbers so you can see how steep a line is (usually in metres) above sea level.
  • Longitude/Latitude
    A coordinate system which determines or describes a position or location on the Earth
  • Latitude
    Runs in an east-west direction
    Measures the distance north of south of the equator
    They are parallel, meaning they never meet, also meaning they get shorter towards the poles
    0 degrees at the equator to 90 degrees at each pole, meaning there are 180 lines in total
  • Longitude
    Run in a north south direction
    Meet at the poles, and are furthest apart at the equator
    All lines are equal in length
    The prime meridian is 0 degrees, and the lines go up to 180 degrees to the east, and -180 degrees in the west, meaning there are 360 in total
  • Equator
    An imaginary line of latitude (0 degrees latitude) that separates the earth into the northern and southern hemispheres
  • Prime Meridian
    An imaginary line of longitude (0 degrees longitude) that separates the earth into the eastern and western hemispheres
  • Tropic of Cancer
    Area just above the equator (23 degrees north)
    (kids with cancer go up)
  • P - Pattern
    A general overview of any patterns you identify
  • Q - Quantify
    Add specific and accurate information to define and explain the patterns
  • E - Exceptions
    Identify anything that does not fit the pattern
  • Sentence starters:
    P - The pattern of this (type of map) is that…
    Q - The evidence to quantify this pattern is…
    E - The exception of this pattern is…
  • Pattern describing words:
    • Clustered - in little groups everywhere
    • Linear - straight line
    • Random – randomly placed
    • Dispersed – Random but more spread out
    • Radial – linear but with jutting out lines
  • Tropic of Capricorn
    Area just below the equator (23 degrees south)
    Capricorn is below (remember CORN grows from the ground)
  • Temperature Zones
    The space between the tropics and the equator is the tropic zone (relating to weather).
    The space between the tropics and the poles (north and south) are the temperate.
    The space on top of the temperate zones are the polar zones.
  • Compass Points: North, East, South, West, North East, South East, South West, North West