Cards (23)

  • Element 2
    Implements a systematic process of preparing compounded drug products, both sterile and non-sterile, in accordance with established standards and guidelines
  • PC 2.1
    The pharmacist shall comply with legal obligations and management policies associated with the preparation of pharmaceutical products.
  • EVIDENCE 2.1
    Adheres to relevant codes, legal requirements and workplace policies and procedures for the preparation of pharmaceutical products
  • PC 2.2
    The pharmacist shall implement an appropriate course of action when preparation requirements cannot be met.
  • EVIDENCE 2.2
    Makes rational recommendations that address the client’s/patient’s needs when the prescribed or requested product cannot be made
  • PC 2.3
    The pharmacist shall maintain a register listing of all ingredients, excipients and materials
  • EVIDENCE 2.3
    Refers to organized individual material safety data sheet for all applicable ingredients, excipients and materials, when necessary
  • PC 2.4
    The pharmacist shall apply processes and techniques intended to secure the patient’s safety.
  • EVIDENCE 2.4
    Reduces the potential for other activities and/or materials which may impede, cross contaminate or cause error in the compounding process
  • PC 2.5
    The pharmacist shall follow a systematic procedure for cleaning and maintaining compounding equipment and apparatus.
  • EVIDENCE 2.5
    Maintains equipment and apparatus according to manufacturers’ instructions and workplace SOPs
  • PC 2.6
    The pharmacist shall follow a systematic procedure for the disposal of waste.
  • EVIDENCE 2.6
    Separates hazardous waste from general waste
  • PC 2.7
    The pharmacist shall maintain appropriate product records and documentation in accordance with local policies and procedures.
  • EVIDENCE 2.7
    Applies a systematic process for assigning batch numbers, expiry dates and storing records of prepared products
  • PC 2.8
    The pharmacist shall implement a documented procedure for complaints and recalls of dispensed compounded products.
  • EVIDENCE 2.8
    Investigates errors, defects and complaints about the compounded products
  • PC 2.9
    The pharmacist shall identify circumstances, which may warrant adjustments to the formulation
  • EVIDENCE 2.9
    Resolves situations where a formulation requires adjustment to ensure adequate stability, compatibility and suitability for its intended use
  • PC 2.10
    The pharmacist shall consult relevant and updated reference sources to modify the formulation, when necessary
  • EVIDENCE 2.10
    Uses credible reference sources to correctly identify the nature and/or extent of the required adjustments
  • PC 2.11
    The pharmacist shall discuss required modifications with the prescriber and/or client/patient as required.
  • EVIDENCE 2.11
    Explains the required modifications with the prescriber and/or client/patien