Cards (9)

  • Element 3
    Procures equipment and resources
  • PC 3.1
    The pharmacist shall implement policies and procedures governing the acquisition of equipment and resources.
  • EVIDENCE 3.1
    Resolves issues which may impact on efficiency and/or cost-effectiveness through making resources available
  • PC 3.2
    The pharmacist shall identify the required quantity and type of products and equipment
  • EVIDENCE 3.2
    Justifies the choice and quantity of equipment and resources based on suitability for intended use, accuracy, safety of use and cost
  • PC 3.3
    The pharmacist shall negotiate with licensed and legitimate sources for ordering stocks and supplies
  • EVIDENCE 3.3
    Evaluates arrangements and products in terms of suitability, safety and economy for the pharmacy services provided
  • PC 3.4
    The pharmacist shall recommend appropriate equipment and resources to other technical units in accordance with established policies
  • EVIDENCE 3.4
    Monitors conformance to equipment and resources specifications, and appropriateness to the organization’s functions