
Cards (10)

  • non-adherence is when a patient doesnt follow the advice of a health professional
  • rational non-adherence is where the patient feels as if there is justification for them not following medical advice
  • they may perform a cost benefit analysis and find the costs of giving up are more than the benefits
  • financial barriers may be a reason for non-adherence such as the cost of treatment, time off of work
  • a doctor centred approach is more likely to lead to nonadherence than a patient centred approach
  • research has shown that the costs such as withdrawal symptoms are justifications for not adhering and this can then suggest it may be an important factor for an individual.
  • it could be that learned helplessness is a more important reason why a person may not adhere to medical advice
  • cons - there is little concrete evidence of a link between learned helplessness and unhealthy behaviours
  • cons - until a person deals with the root cause of their stress, they will not adhere to medical advice as the treatment given may cause more stress such as counselling
  • cons - difficult to establish one single cause of non-adherence as there are likely to be many factors which can impact whether a person is to adhere or not