Cards (32)

  • humans are the main cause of species decline
  • humans causes habitat loss, invasive species, climate change
  • rapid population expansion intrudes on habitats
  • overexploitation leads to reduction in food systems
  • introduced species outcompete native species
  • ways of conservation
    direct values, indirect values, option values, nonsense values
  • direct values
    direct goals like fish and produce
  • indirect values
  • option values
    possible future use like medicines
  • nonuse values
    intrinsic, no economic human gains, but good for nature itself
  • anthropocentric approach
    biodiversity has a value only as a means to human end
  • anthropocentric approaches includes foods, pollination, ecotourism
  • anthropocentric approach is utilitarian
  • ecocentric
    biodiversity if valuable simply because it exists, independent to its uses for humans
  • products from conservation must be equitable in sharing the benefits
  • bioprospecting
    equitable sharing agreements when using native knowledge and land to gain profit
  • vulnerable
    10% of probability of extinction within 100 generations
  • endangered
    20% probability of extinction within 20 years or 10 generations
  • critically endangered
    within 5 years or 2 generations the risk of extinction is 50% or greater
  • most undescribed species will be extinct before they have been discovered
  • small geographical range means that local populations are smaller and specialised
  • small populations
    preservation of genetic diversity provides longterm evolutionary potential in a changing environment
  • inbreeding depression reduces fertility
  • relationship between richness and ecosystems process
    A) high ecological redundancy
    B) each species contributes to the ecosystem
    C) system collapse
  • conservation in practice
    using species management plans
  • using available data may not be the best conservation approach due to extrapolation
  • data sets are rare and they require long-term commitment to monitoring
  • subjective expert assessment
    basis for IUCN, used to highlight areas of conservation
  • simulation modeling
    using models using different data sets
  • ex situ conservation
    zoos and captive breeding to help conserve an endangered species
  • captive breeding needs to be combined with habitat protection and reintroduction
  • mpa's should help maintain an equilibrium of extinctions and colonisations