Climate is the average weather for a specific area
Temperature and precipitation are the main elements of climate
The nationalweather service uses values of temperature highs and lows and precipitation measures for the past thirty years to compile average weather for any given area
Latitude is the distance of space to the equator
Atmosphere is the envelope of gases held by gravity that surrounds the earth
Prevailing winds are formed because of differences in air pressure
Hydrosphere represents all water on earth
The geosphere influences climate through an area's geography and land cover
The leeward side has dry and warmer temperatures
The windward side has cooler and moist temperatures
The biosphere represents all life on Earth
Vegetation influences climate by:
Absorbing solar energy and carbon dioxide from the atmosphere
Releasing oxygen
Releasing water vapor through evapotranspiration
Landscape modification can occur through the construction of infrastructure and resource extraction activities such as mining and oil production
Environmental degradation can result from overgrazing, deforestation, urbanization, and the presence of deforested land
Pollution can manifest in various forms including:
Water contamination
Acid runoff
Acid rain
Radioactive materials
Ozone depletion
Greenhouse emissions
Overpopulation can lead to the consumption of resources at a rate that the Earth system cannot sustain