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  • research has practical applications because understanding of the effects of institutionalisation has been enhanced. This led to improvements in the way children are cared for in institutions e.g. orphanages. Rather than have 50 different carers which rutter suggested resulted in indiscriminate friendliness (disinhibited attachment), children should have one or two key workers. Therefore, society benefitted from his research.
  • Rutter's study has methodological flaws. the IV was not under control meaning the pts were not randomly assigned to conditions. This can result in pts differences that may explain the differing results and hence is a confounding variable. children who were adopted before 6 months may have been more sociable individuals, increasing likelihood of their adoption. This may explain why they had fewer social problems later in life because they were adopted earlier. His conclusion the effects can be reversed could be invalid.
  • Other researchers support Rutters conclusion. other researchers found children adopted at 4 formed attachments with their adopted parents but those who stayed till 16 had no strong attachments and were said not to care about anyone. Suggesting subsequent love and care can overcome institutionalisation effects.