wrbs (meanings)

Cards (29)

  • RELIGION came from the Latin verb, 'religare' meaning 'to bind to the absolute being.'
  • TWO TYPES OF SOCIAL REALITY: being substantive, being functional
  • BEING SUBSTANTIVE: constitutes religion, assumes the existence of God
  • BEING FUNCTIONAL: concerned about the consequences of religion
  • EDWARD BURNETT TAYLOR: English anthropologist who believed that religion is about the belief of spiritual beings.
    Therefore, he is being substantive.
  • JAMES GEORGE FRAZER: Scottish social anthropologist who believed that religion is about the conciliation of power, and the connections of human to the supreme being.
    Therefore, he is being substantive.
  • BRONISLAW KASPER MALINOWSKI: Polish anthropologist who believed that religion is about the fulfillment of the purpose.
    Therefore, he is being substantive.
  • DAVID EMILE DURKHEIM: Father of sociology, who believed that religion is all about the beliefs relative to sacred things.
    Therefore, he is being functional.
  • MONISM: no real distinction between God and the universe
  • POLYTHEISM: believes in many gods
  • MONOTHEISM: believes in one God
  • ATHEISM: in denial of the existence of God
  • AGNOSTICISM: God cannot be known
  • SACRED TEXT: embodies the beliefs, rituals and doctrines
  • RITUALS: refer to worship
  • SPIRITUALITY: refers to faith
  • THEOLOGY: the study of existence and of the supreme being, nature of divine
  • 2000 BCE -- time of Abraham
  • 1200 BCE -- time of Moses
  • 1100 - 500 BCE -- compiled the holy text of Hindu, the Vedas
  • 568 - 83 BCE -- time of Buddha
  • 551 - 459 BCE -- time of Confucius
  • 200 BCE -- Bhagavat Gita was written
  • 2 - 4 BCE ... 32 CE -- time of Jesus Christ
  • 40 - 90 CE -- New Testament was written
  • 100 CE -- time of Shintoism
  • 500 - 580 CE -- time of Taoism
  • 570 - 632 CE -- time of Mohammad