Stimulus (detected by) > receptor (initiates electrical impulse) > sensory neurone (synapse between so chemical released) > relay neurone > motor neurone > Effector (muscle or gland) > response (contract or secrete a hormone)
What is an allele?
It is a different form of the same gene. They can be either dominant or recessive.
What is a phenotype?
It is the physical appearance of an organism
What is a genotype?
It is the set of genes that an organism possesses
What is homozygous?
Two alleles are the same
What is heterozygous?
Where two alleles are different
What is a genome?
The entire set of genetic material in an organism
What is a diploid cell?
A diploid cell is a cell that contains two sets of chromosomes.
What is a haploid cell?
A haploid cell is a cell that contains only one set of chromosomes. Only the egg and sperm cell in humans.
Compare mitosis and meiosis.
Meiosis Is a form of sexual reproduction however mitosis is asexual reproduction. Meiosis takes place in the ovaries or the testes but mitosis takes place in anyothercell. Meiosis produces 23 chromosomes which is half the number of chromosomes in the original cell. But mitosis produces the same amount of chromosomes which is 46. During meiosis 4 cells are produced and 2 divisions take place but in mitosis2 cells are produces via one division which is geneticallyidentical.
What is the binomial name made up of
Genus (need a capital) + species (lower case and in italics)
What does FOLP stand for
FSH which stimulates the egg to mature is followed by Oestrogen which build up the uterus lining. LH is then secreted which stimulates the release of an egg, Progesterone is then released which maintains the uterus lining.