A chemical formula that indicates the element and number if each atom in a molecule
Structural formula
An illustration of which atoms are attached to which within a molecule. Atoms are represent by their chemical symbols and lines are used to represent all the bonds that hold the atoms together
Condensed structural formula
Shows the way in which atoms are bondedtogether in a molecule but doesnotshow all the bondlines
Functional group
A bond or an atom or a group of atoms that determine the physical and chemicalproperties of a group of organiccompounds
Organic compounds that consist of hydrogen and carbon only
A series of organic compounds that can be described by the same general formula or in which one member differs from the next with a CH2 group
Saturated compounds
Compounds in which there are onlysingle bonds between carbon atoms in their hydrogen chains
Unsaturated compounds
Compounds in which more than 1 bonds between carbon atoms in their hydrogen chains
Functional groups
Alkane - single bonds between c atoms
Alkene - double bonds between c atoms
Alkynes - triple bonds between c atoms
Haloalkanes - halogen atom bonded to c atom in an alkane
Alcohols - hydroxyl group
Aldehydes - formyl group
Ketone - Carbonyl group
Carboxylix acid - carboxyl group
Chain isomers
Same molecular formula but different typesofchains
Positional isomers
Same molecular formula, but different positions of sidechain, substitute Tsotsi or functional groups on the parent chain
Functional isomers
Same molecular formula, but different functional groups