When an object travels faster than the speed of sound then they create a vibration called sonic boom!
Sound waves with frequency below the audible range are termed" infrasonic" and those above the audile range are termed :ultrasonic"
Ultrasound has many medical and industrial applications.
The SONAR full form is Sound Navigation and Ranging. SONAR has 2 parts a trasmeitter and a Reciver. The Transmitter transmittes sound wave .
Reciver recives
The SONAR technique is used to determine the depth of the sea and to locate under water hills. valleys, submarines, icebergs, sunken ships etc. Depth of sea= Velocity of sound in sea water x time recoded by recorder / 2.
Echo speed formula: 2 × distance between surface and source / time
Sonar consists of a transmitter and detector mounted on a boat or ship. The transmitter sends ultrasonic sound waves to the seabed, which get reflected back and picked up by the detector. Knowing the speed of sound in water, distance can be measured using: 2d=v×t. This method is called echolocation or echo ranging
The ear is a sensitive organ of the human body. It is mainly involved with detecting, transmitting, and transducing sound and maintaining a sense of balance is another important function of the human ear