AO3 of SLT

Cards (4)

  • Practical applications
    Increases understanding on human behaviour such as criminal behaviour, when someone is exposed to role models who commit crimes they identify with these models and develop the expectation of positive consequences for their own criminal behaviour.
  • Treatment implications
    Effective treatment for phobias which is based on modelling that encourages patients to learn a more appropriate response to the feared object or situation by observing and imitating a role model’s reaction to the same feared object or situation.
  • Lacks ecological validity
    Due to the controlled artificial environment of a laboratory the behaviours that were measured were not the same as genuine aggression. Therefore, we cannot assume that the children in this experiment would act aggressively towards another child (based on their actions towards the Bobo doll) outside of the experimental setting. Therefore, it is questionable if the findings can be generalised to reallife situations.
  • Oversimplistic
    Focuses exclusively on the processes of social learning and ignores other influences e.g. biological factors. One consistent finding was boys were more aggressive than girls. This can be explained by hormonal factors where boys possess greater quantities of testosterone linking to increased aggressive behaviour.