Cards (23)

  • There are 3 dimensions of self : (PPS) physical, psychological and spiritual
  • There are 3 attitudes (ACB) : affect, cognition and behavior
  • Affect > represents emotion
  • Cognition > the way we think
  • Behavior > action form or manifestation of attitude
  • There are 3 Holistic Development: thoughts, feelings, and behavior
  • 2 types of thoughts: malcognition and maladaptive
  • Malcognition > roots from hurtful experiences
  • Maladaptive > self-blame
  • There are 2 types of behavior: overt behavior and covert behavior
  • Overt behavior > expressed consciously
  • Covert behavior > mannerism, body language, and gestures
  • Thoughts - what we think
    Behavior - what we do
    Emotions/ feelings - what we feel
  • UNDER COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT: Jean Piaget A swiss psychologist explained the cognitive development
    through his Stage Theory of
    Intellectual Development
    1.Sensorimotor (0-2 years) - ability
    2.Pre-operational (2-6 years)-symbolic functioning 3. Concrete operational ( 7-12
    4. Formal operational (12 yearsadult) - thinks logically
  • UNDER MORAL DEVELOPMENT: Lawrence Kohlberg Believed in Piaget’s theory and expanded it further to add complex comprehension to the matter. He devised levels that have two stages each rooting from Piaget’s Theory.
  • 3stepes to build your moral development : pre-conventional morality, conventional morality and post conventional morality
  • 1.PRECONVENTIONAL Stage 1: PUNISHMENT AVOIDANCE (2-4 Yrs old) Characteristics: Fear of Punishment Stage 2: MUTUAL BENEFIT (5-9 yrs old) Characteristics: Exchange of Favors
  • 2.CONVENTIONAL STAGE 3: Good Boy & Good Girl (7- 12) Characteristics: Social Approval STAGE 4: Law and Order (10-15 yrs. old) Characteristics: Following established rules
  • 3.POSTCONVENTIONAL STAGE 5: Social Contract (12-20 yrs. old)
    Common good
    Stage 6: Universal Ethical
    Principles (20 yrs. above)
  • Freud psychoanalytic development
    1. Oral (birth- 2 yo) - mouth
    2. Anal (2-3) -anus
    3. Phallic (3-6) -genitals
    4. Latency (6-12) -same sex crush
    5. Genital (12 beyond) - sexual maturity
  • Erik Erikson ( psychosocial) as an ego psychologist who developed one of the most popular and influential theories of development.
  • ROBERT HAVIGHURST- American educator and writer, elaborated stages of developmental tasks that any individual must successfully go through.