Microsoft Word is the word processingcomponent of the Microsoft Office Suite.
microsoft word is used primarily to enter, edit, format, save, retrieve and print documents.
These three buttons are on almost every window that opens in a Windows based platform. (minimize, maximize/repair and close)They are on Mac windows as well, but they are circles instead of squares.
TerminologyWhile different versions have different I appearances, they all have most of the same features. If you know what to call it, you should be able to find it in other versions.
You can restore the document to its original shape and size by either: Clicking on the button on the task bar one time to restore it to active mode
This file has not yet been saved so its name is Document1.
Files created in Microsoft Word are often referred to as documents and have the file extension .doc or .docx
When you click the close button the program will ask you if you want to save the changes if you have made any changes. Once you have responded to this question the program will close.
When you click the maximize / restore button the program assumes the same shape and size it was before you minimized it. Or - The program window will fill the screen.
When you click the minimize button the program becomes a button on the Windows taskbar located at the bottom of the screen.
The area outlined in red is called the quick access toolbar.It contains the most commonly used commands in Microsoft Word:1.Save2. Undo3. Repeat
Microsoft Office 2007 & 2010 use what is referred to as the "Ribbon" interface. The area outlined in red comprises the Ribbon.
You may customize the ribbon and or a group on the ribbon on your personal computer to have only the features you I want to use.In order to do this all you have to do is right mouse click on the ribbon or the group you want to customize.
The area outlined in red is called the title bar.It displays the names of the open program (in this case Microsoft Word) and the name of the current file
The Words File, Home, Insert, etc... outlined in red are referred to as tabs. Each tab has several Groups attached to it.HomeInsertPage LayoutReferencesMailingsReviewView
The File Tab menu
The File Tab menu contains the commands most commonly associated with the file
The Home Tab Groups contain the commands most commonly associated with the formatting and editing of text.ClipboardFontParagraphStylesEditing
The Page Layout Groups contain the commands most commonly associated with settings that would affect the entire page or document.ThemesPage SetupPage BackgroundParagraphArrange
The View Tab groups contain the commands most commonly associated with the variety of ways you can "look at" a document or documents.
The Insert Tab Groups contain the commands most commonly associated with adding something to the document.
The Mailings Tab groups contain the commands most commonly associated with documents and files created for mass mailing.CreatePreview ResultsStart Mail MergeWrite & Insert FieldsFinish
The References Groups contain the commands most commonly associated with writing a research paper, essay, term paper or similarly formal documents.Table of ContentsFootnotesCitations & BibliographyCaptionsIndexTable of Authorities
The Review Tabs groups contain the commands most commonly associated with documents which are shared or being prepared for publication.ProofingTrackingLanguageChangesProtectCommentsCompare