Zinc, cadmium, and mercury of group 12 have full d10 configuration in their ground state and common oxidation states, not regarded as transition metals
Scandium (Z = 21) is a transition element due to incompletely filled 3d orbitals in its ground state, while zinc (Z = 30) is not a transition element as it has completely filled d orbitals in its ground state and oxidized state
In single-celled organisms, substances can easily enter the cell due to a short distance, while in multicellular organisms, the distance is larger because of a higher surface area to volume ratio
Multicellular organisms require specialised exchange surfaces for efficient gas exchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen due to their higher surface area to volume ratio
Zinc atoms have completely filled d orbitals (3d10) in both their ground state and oxidised state, which is why they are not considered transition elements
Transition elements exhibit typical metallic properties such as high tensile strength, ductility, malleability, high thermal and electrical conductivity, and metallic lustre
The high melting points of transition metals are attributed to the involvement of a greater number of electrons from (n-1)d in addition to the ns electrons in interatomic metallic bonding
Transition elements exhibit higher enthalpies of atomisation due to the large number of unpaired electrons in their atoms, leading to stronger interatomic interaction and bonding
Transition elements have high enthalpies of atomisation, with maxima at about the middle of each series, indicating one unpaired electron per d orbital is particularly favorable for strong interatomic interaction
Ionisation enthalpy increases along each series of transition elements from left to right due to an increase in nuclear charge accompanying the filling of inner d orbitals
The variability of oxidation states in transition elements arises from incomplete filling of d orbitals, leading to oxidation states differing by unity
In the d-block elements, lower oxidation states are favored by heavier members, unlike in p-block elements where lower oxidation states are favored by the heavier members
Table 4.4 contains thermochemical parameters related to the transformation of solid metal atoms to M2+ ions in solution and their standard electrode potentials
The general trend towards less negative EV values across the series is related to the increase in the sum of the first and second ionisation enthalpies