
Cards (163)

  • Communication refers to the process in general or the conscious and unconscious behavior
  • Communicare (vb) means to share, to make common, to commune
  • Communis (n) refers to commonness
  • Functions of Communication:
    • Process in general or the conscious and unconscious behavior that communicates
    • Carrying out the process or the secondary techniques
    • Sharing of information, ideas, beliefs, values, and attitude
    • Acts as the cement that holds society together (binding influence, information and entertainment source, persuasive, pervasive)
    • Uses language which is a code or a system of signals among people
  • 4 Aspects of Communication:
    1. Communicator (encoder) – who encodes puts ideas into words
    2. Message (symbols) – words transmitted through a channel
    3. Channel – any of the mass media or newspaper
    4. Audience (decoder) – who decodes or translates the message into ideas
  • Frame of Reference refers to the point of view
  • Feedback is the reaction transmitted to the communicator
  • Noise prevents the successful reception of a message:
    • Channel noise: distractions between the source of the message and the audience
    • Semantic noise: when a message is misunderstood
    • Semiotic: the study of signs
  • Levels of Communication:
    • Interpersonal (p2p): communication by one or a few persons to another in a face-to-face situation
    • Mediated Communication: uses a medium or channel to communicate in a non-face-to-face situation
    • Mass Communication: delivers information to a large and diversified audience in different places at the same time
    • Mass Media: tools for communicating
    • Traditional Media: folk media such as bugtong, balagtasan
    • Community Media: community members (planner, producer, performers) have access to information, education, entertainment
    • Demassification: shifting from mass media to small/group media
  • Chapter 2: Basic Communication Models
    • Linear Model of Communication: one-way communication
    • Good at persuasion and agenda setting
    • No concept of feedback
    • Intentional results
    • No way to know if communication was effective
    • Shannon and Weaver Model of Communication:
    • Developed by Claude Shannon and Warren Weaver in 1949
    • Series of sequential steps
    • Criticized for its simplicity and linearity
    • Berlo’s Model of Communication (SMCR):
    • Developed by David Berlo in 1960
    • Emphasizes the dynamic and multidirectional nature of communication
    • Interactive Model of Communication:
    • Feedback even in mass communication
    • Feedback takes time
    • New communication channels
    • Sender and receiver might not know who the other person is
    • Schramm’s Model of Communication:
    • A process wherein the message is transmitted using a medium by a sender to a receiver
    • Transactional Model of Communication:
    • Simultaneous feedback
    • Encourages non-verbal communication
    • No discrimination between sender and receiver
    • Considers the context of environment and noise
    • Barnlund’s Model:
    • p – person, cpu – public cues, d – decoding, cpr – private cues, e – encoding, cbchnv – non-verbal behavioral, m - message, cbehv – verbal behavioral
  • Additional Models of Media:
    • Hot Media: low audience participation (i.e., radio, film, lecture, print)
    • Cool Media: high audience participation (seminar, telephone, TV)
    • Elitist Media: provide people with what they need
    • Populist Media: provide people with what they want
    • Information and Entertainment Models: based on primary use
  • Communication
    Refers to the process in general or the conscious and unconscious behavior
  • Communications

    Technical means to carry out the process
  • Communicare (verb)
    To share, to make common, to commune
  • Communis (noun)
  • Language

    Code or a system of signals among people
  • 4 Aspects of Communication
    • Communicator (encoder)
    • Message (symbols)
    • Channel
    • Audience (decoder)
  • Frame of Reference
    A psychological concept which refers to the point of view
  • Feedback
    Reaction transmitted to the communicator
  • Types of Noise
    • Channel noise - distractions between the source of the message and his audience
    • Semantic noise - when a message is misunderstood
  • Semiotic
    Study of signs
  • Levels of Communication
    • Interpersonal (p2p) - communication by one or a few persons to another in a f2f situation
    • Mediated Communication - uses a medium, or channel, to communicate in a non-f2f situation
    • Mass Communication - delivers info to a large and diversified audience in different places at the same time
  • Mass Media
    Tools for communicating
  • Types of Mass Media
    • Traditional Media - folk media such as bugtong, balagtasan
    • Community Media - community members (plnr, prod, prfmrs) have access to infor, edu, entmt
  • Demassification
    Mass media to small/group media
  • Basic Communication Models
    • Linear Model of Communication - one way communication
    • Shannon and Weaver Model of Communication - known as Mathematical Theory of Communication
    • Berlo's Model of Communication (SMCR) - emphasizes the dynamic and multidirectional nature of communication
    • Interactive Model of Communication - known as convergence model
    • Schramm's Model of Communication - a process wherein the message is transmitted using a medium by a sender to a receiver
    • Transactional Model of Communication - used for interpersonal communication
    • Barnlund's Model
  • Additional Models of Media
    • Hot Media - low audience participation
    • Cool Media - high audience
    • Elitist Media - give people what they need
    • Populist Media - give people what they want
    • Information and Entertainment Models - based on primary use
  • Categories of Media
    • Print Media (Group Mass Media) - has a permanent record and is printed on paper
    • Electronic Media - transmitted through waves
    • Photographic/Chemical Media (Primary Mass Media) - based on the chemistry of photography
    • New Media - have been melded to technological innovations which is digitization
  • The larger the audience, the more advertisers are willing to pay, the content or medium will stay
  • Financial Foundations of Mass Media
    • Advertising Revenue - advertisers buy space and time to air commercial messages
    • Circulation Revenue - mass media gets its income from sales of media products
    • Government Subsidies - government may provide funding for selected mass media to carry its messages
    • Privately Supported Media - mass medium may get its funding from a group or organization
  • Measures of Media Literacy

    • Message Form - ability to see the difference between a 1on1 message and a mass media message
    • Message vs Messenger - distinguishing between messages and messenger
    • Motivation Awareness - thinking beyond the message and identifying the source
    • Traditions - past informs our understanding of the present
    • Media Myth - separate real phenomenon from conjecture and nonsense
  • Communication
    Refers to the process in general or the conscious and unconscious behavior
  • Communications

    Technical means to carry out the process
  • Communicare (verb)
    To share, to make common, to commune
  • Communis (noun)
  • Language

    Code or a system of signals among people
  • 4 Aspects of Communication
    • Communicator (encoder)
    • Message (symbols)
    • Channel
    • Audience (decoder)
  • Frame of Reference
    A psychological concept which refers to the point of view
  • Feedback
    Reaction transmitted to the communicator