Chapter 5 Bible + Ecc : short multiple choice quiz

Cards (49)

  • What was the Babylonian Captivity of the Church?
    Period where papacy was held in Avignon France
  • What was the confusion that was happening during the Babylonain period?
    Confusion on whether or not Popes were in line of Peter b/c the papacy didn't reside in Rome
  • The Pope is the Bishop of what?
  • What was St. Catherine of Sienna?
    A Doctor of the Church
  • What is a Doctor of the Church?
    A saint who was written a number of works that inspire the whole church
  • What was St. Catherine of Sienna's goal?
    To bring Pope Gregory XI back to Rome. It was successful
  • From what two years did the Bubonic plague occur?
  • How did the Bubonic plague arrive to Europe?

    By flea-infected rats
  • What were the symptoms of the Bubonic plague?

    swollen glands, to a fever, and then you eventually died
  • How much of the European population died from the plague?
    about 1/3-1/2
  • Who suffered the most from the Bubonic plague?
    The Franciscans
  • Why did the Franciscans suffer the most during the Bubonic plague?
    They cared for the poor and sick
  • To ward of death what would people do?
    Physical penances
  • Why would people do physical penances?
    They hoped that God would heal them from the Bubonic plague by doing these harsh penances
  • When was the Western Schism?
  • After the papacy was returned to Rome + Greg XI died, what type of pope was elected by cardinals, and what was his name?
    An Italian Pope named Urban VI
  • When the French cardinals got upset about the election of the Italian Pope Urban VI who did they elect?
    Clement VII
  • After French cardinals elected Clement VII where did they return to?
  • Clement VI was called what?
    Avignon Obedience
  • Urban VI was called what?
    Roman obedience
  • What was the Conciliar Movement?
    theory that the Church reform could best take place by calling a council instead of papal rule
  • What was the Conciliar movement supported by?
  • When was the Council of Pisa?
  • What did the Council of Pisa do?
    Deposed both Roman and Avignon Popes, and named a third Pope Alexander V
  • When was the Council of Constance?
  • What did the Council of Constance do?
    Elected Martin V and ENDED the schism!!!
  • Who was John Wyclif?

    Heretic that criticized Avignon papacy for their financial policy and attacked papal authority
  • What did John Wyclif dismiss the validity of?
    The hierarchy, sacraments, and priesthood
  • What were John Wyclif's followers called?
  • What did John Hus teach?

    Wyclif's heresy in Bohemia
  • What did Hus stress?
    Authority in the Bible, emphasized Sola Scriptora,
  • What did Hus deny?
    Hus denied the authority in doctrinal matters
  • What happened to Hus at the Council of Constance?
    He went to the Council of Constance expecting not to be harmed, to share his ideas. However he was burned because of his false teachings
  • Who was the Medici Family?
    wealthy merchants who dominated the local governments, became patrons of arts, and tried influencing the church
  • What was the Renaissance?

    A cultural rebirth of the Middle Ages. Where the civilizations of Rome, Greece, and Egypt were rediscovered. Stressed the human, the pleasures of life, glorified the human body, and celebrated education
  • What is humanism?
    cultural and intellectual movement rediscovering art, and Roman and Greek culture
  • As a result of the Renaissance what kind of lifestyle did the Popes live?
    Lavish lifestyles
  • What did Pope Alexander VI use to enrich his family?
    Nepotism and Simony
  • Popes made money by selling what?
  • What did the selling of indulgences do?
    abused the church authority to get time off purgatory