
Cards (16)

  • Name Calling:
    • Persuades people to reject ideas, organizations, or persons they know nothing about by using a name with a negative connotation. Examples: Communist, Red, Leftists, Rightist, Sissy
  • Card Stacking:
    • Propagandists select and use facts to give a false or misleading idea by only using facts favorable to their person, views, or product. Partial quotations may be used out of context to twist their meanings
  • Transfer:
    • Creates an association between a person, product, or ideas and something good and respected that people already feel strongly about
  • Testimonial:
    • Uses snob appeal and desire for admiration. Quotes or pictures famous, beautiful people, or important organizations recommending or supporting an idea, product, or person. Suggests that the celebrity or organization believes in the idea, uses the product, or supports the cause
  • Plain Folks:
    • Effort to win public confidence by portraying a person's ideas and morals as good because they belong to the common people and live like them
  • Bandwagon:
    • Urges the public to follow the crowd and accept the propagandist's ideas and leadership without reason or logic
  • Glittering Generality:
    • Connects a high-sounding word with an idea to make it sound better, encouraging people to accept it without examination
  • Repetitions:
    • Involves constantly repeating a name or word to influence people to vote or buy a product based on familiarity
  • Positive Reinforcement:
    • Educational method that rewards behavior we want repeated, such as praises, rewards, or medals
  • Rationalization:
    • Involves using false excuses to justify actions
  • Appeal by Flattery:
    • Involves flattering a person and putting them in a good mood to make them more likely to believe what is said
  • Appeal to Fear:
    • Tries to frighten listeners or readers to manipulate their beliefs
  • Technical Jargon:
    • Uses unfamiliar words to impress, confuse, or deceive
  • Non-sequitur:
    • Involves using a remark that has no bearing on what has just been said
  • Powerful Words:
    • Uses words with pleasant or hideous sounds to attract or repel individuals towards advertisements or products
  • Ridicule and Sarcasm:
    • Effective in manipulating individuals by targeting their insecurities