ability to carryoutdaily tasks easily and still have enoughenergy for othertasks
teens should have
60 mins of physicalactivityeveryday
health benefits
stronger body, increases energy, and improves posture
cardiovascularsystem health benefits
strengthens heart muscle
respiratory system
strengthens lungs
musculoskeletal system
strengthens muscles and bones
mental and emotionalhealthbenefits
reducesstress (managesanger and frustrations), increasesself confidence, having a sense of pride and accomplishment and improvesmood (endorphins = happyhormones)
risks of physicalinactivity (sedentary
unhealthful weight gain, lower metabolism, lower self-esteem, life-threatening diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and cancer, risk of osteoporosis
instead of taking an elevator or escalator
take the stairs
instead of playingvideo and computer games
play a sport such as BB, VB, or soccer
IO watchingTV
garden or bush cut
IO paying for a carwash
wash you own car
Define cardiorespiratoryendurance (ce)
heart, lungs, and blood vessels
Measure cardiorespiratory endurance
step test
aerobic activities: distancerunning, rowing, and dancing
muscularstrength (MS)
muscle force
measure muscularstrength and muscularendurance
curl ups and push ups
muscular endurance
physical task
improve muscularstrength and muscular endurance
resistance/ anaerobic activities: freeweights, machines, bodyweight, benchpress, and anythingpushingagainstyou